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WP Multi Site Gravity Form user registration validation error WordPress

I have a WP site that uses gravity forms and the user registration add on using the email address as the username. Once I added the multisite, the site kept returning validation errors ie no capitals, email already exists etc.

I need to find a solution to this issue.

Answers (3)


Agus Setiawan answers:

have you tried this ?

Mathew Moxness comments:

hello, the error is a wordpress multi site and not gravity form multi page.


Arnav Joy answers:

this problem comes when you use , normal username instead of emails?

Mathew Moxness comments:

the problem happens on any input that I also assign to be the username. so if i choose email as the user name then it gives a validation error or if i choose company name it also gives a validation error.


Sormano answers:


This plugin has helped me to override e-mail restrictions on my Wordpress Multisite.

(altouh not updated for a long time, it still works like a charm!)

Network activate the plugin for proper usage.