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WP-Ecommerce Settings - Sub Menu Tabs Not Opening... WordPress


Hi, this seems to have been an issue off and on with others in the past as can be seen here... but there is no answer.

I am using the latest version of wordpress and wp-ecommerce and the vanilla-cart theme.
I am using 1and1 hosting which usually won't even activate wp-ecommerce unless I add a line of code to the .htaccess so I am using php 5.0...but that's all I did is make sure I was on php 5 and once I was everything seemed fine...until I got to the settings page.

Please help!

Answers (1)


Buzu B answers:

This seems like an issue that needs to be looked at and solved directly in the server. Would you mind giving access to the server and an admin account? You can create a temporary user for both server and wp and delete them when the problem is solved.

jbochner comments:

Sure. Attached is a text file with FTP and WP access. Thanks!


jbochner comments:

Sure. Attached is a text file with FTP and WP access. Thanks!


Buzu B comments:

Sorry, I don't see how to download the file. I will PM you my email address so you can send it there. BTW, this question looks like it's worth more than 4 bucks, but It is up to you to decide.

Buzu B comments:

Your problem has been solved.