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WP Content Slideshow IE8 Fix WordPress


Hi, I have just built a site using wordpress and the wp content slideshow (

It works great in all browsers except IE8, in IE8 the first slide shows, but when you click on the second it shows a blank screen and on the 3rd button on menu it shows the wrong image.

Can someone help me with this fix?

Some things I have been reading, might not be related to same plugin, but IE8 jQuery fixes:


Answers (3)


Romel Apuya answers:

perhaps you try validating your site..

and omit possible errors. [[LINK href=""]]here[[/LINK]]


Hai Bui answers:

There is something wrong with your plugin, did you modify it?

When I check the source code of the slideshow content (the slides), there are weird close tags <strong></a></strong> at the end of each slide (<li></li>) I believe this is the reason why the slideshow has problem in IE.

<div class="content_slideshow">
<li id="main-post-1" title="Detective Dee">
<a rel="shadowbox;width=512;height=288;" href=";byline=0&amp;portrait=0&amp;color=000&amp;autoplay=1">
<img src="" /></a>
<li id="main-post-2" title="IpMan">
<a rel="shadowbox;width=512;height=288;" href=";byline=0&amp;portrait=0&amp;color=000&amp;autoplay=1"><img src="" /></a>



Kristin Falkner answers:

Something to try... I believe that IE8 has trouble with the fade jQuery cycle plug-in transition. Can you test by changing fx: 'fade' to fx: 'scrollDown' or any other transition option listed at [[LINK href=""]]the jQuery cycle website[[/LINK]]

This should be changed in this file:

Line 7