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WP Audio player "autostart" help WordPress

Hi Guys

I've just installed this plug in

And cannot find any instructions on how to make the audio auto play.

Has anyone used it?

Or does anyone know where I should be adding code to make it autoplay?

Many thanks

P.s. I'm using this particular plugin because i like the player design

Answers (3)


Agus Setiawan answers:



Arnav Joy answers:

i think it will create a meta box in post page where you can add the details .

it is titled as "Featured Video"

see attached screenshot


Daniel Yoen answers:

found this in plugin.php on plugin folder :
$audio_html = '<div class="wp-audio-player-firefox">';
$audio_html .= '<embed src="' . esc_url ( $audio_url ) . '" autostart="false" />';
$audio_html .= '</div>';

// If they're use IE8, we need to use a completely different version of the audio embed element
} else if ( $this->user_is_using_ie8() ) {

$audio_html = '<div class="wp-audio-player-ie8">';
$audio_html .= '<embed src="' . esc_url ( $audio_url ) . '" autostart="false" />';
$audio_html .= '</div><!-- /.wp-audio-player-ie8 -->';

should be :

$audio_html = '<div class="wp-audio-player-firefox">';
$audio_html .= '<embed src="' . esc_url ( $audio_url ) . '" autostart="true" />';
$audio_html .= '</div>';

// If they're use IE8, we need to use a completely different version of the audio embed element
} else if ( $this->user_is_using_ie8() ) {

$audio_html = '<div class="wp-audio-player-ie8">';
$audio_html .= '<embed src="' . esc_url ( $audio_url ) . '" autostart="true" />';
$audio_html .= '</div><!-- /.wp-audio-player-ie8 -->';

Steve Watson comments:

Hi Daniel

Are you saying this new snippet will enable auto play?

Can you show me in the code where that happens?


Daniel Yoen comments:

try to change :




Hope this help :-)

Steve Watson comments:

haha.... oh yes I see what you mean now. Unfortunately it didn't make any difference. :(

Daniel Yoen comments:

line 277

$audio_html = '<audio preload="auto" controls src="' . esc_url ( $audio_url ) . '" class="wp-audio-player"></audio>';


$audio_html = '<audio preload="auto" controls autoplay src="' . esc_url ( $audio_url ) . '" class="wp-audio-player"></audio>';

work for me :-)

Daniel Yoen comments:

for firefox and ie :

for other :
controls autoplay

tested with safari, work with autoplay :-)

hope this help :-)