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WP Admin white screen of death (help!) WordPress


I have been having the white screen issue with certain parts of my WP admin all weekend, and I can't fix it.

The first time I noticed it was after I tried to install an app called Wiziapp, which actually ended up crashing my server.

I had to manually delete the plugin via FTP.

I have been making small additions and tweaks to my custom-fuctions file, and have attempted removing + saving each of those and then refreshing the white page and nothing.

I really can't deactivate the theme as it's a live site...

As I am already signed I am still able to access the site today, but I know other members of the team who were logged out cannot access the wp-admin page or any other back end pages, and I keep getting white screens whenever I sumbit (ie try and search for posts in back end, publish a post)

One other clue is this weird bit of code I got when I create a new taxomy (see screen shot).


Answers (3)


Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner answers:

what this code exactly ?

kateM82 comments:

Which code?

Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner comments:

<blockquote>One other clue is this weird bit of code I got when I create a new taxomy</blockquote>
this code !

kateM82 comments:

Its an error (i think, not sure it just was there) that occured in the wp admin when I created a new taxonomy in an exisitng custom post type. It's not code. Sorry for the confusion.


Fahad Murtaza answers:


Since its a live site, shouldn't you be creating a test site before you make changes? Anyhow, please remove the existing code that you changed recently and then work on the test website with debug mode on so you can fix the issues and then move it to the live site.

Thats the right way to develop.

I am saying because as you are aware, you can't keep on testing on live site, neither can activate the wp debug mode on on it.

So the correct strategy is,

1. Remove all the taxonomy code which is creating problem.
2. Create a test install and import your data into it. Or simply add/change wordpress site url in wp-config.php with existing database's copy.

You can use a wordpress plugin called duplicator for that.

3. See for error with wp-debug on.
4. Add your new code.
5. Post your issue here then and me or anyone else on wpquestions would love to help.


kateM82 comments:


Thanks for your quick response.

I didn't do anything with the taxonomides code wise I was just adding some extra ones in the normal wp-admin bit (the same as adding a category) and I saw this extra error.

As I said in my question I have gone through and tested it with the bits I was amending removed (although it was mostly some small tweaks, image resizing, spelling errors and some CSS stuff). And removing it has done nothing.

I also have not added in any new plugin other than the one I mentioned.

I am not a developer, so the wp-debug etc.. I do not know what that is.

Please speak in newbie speak thanks.


Fahad Murtaza comments:

Hi Kate

What are you using for creating new taxonomies? What in wp-admin? A plugin?

Since you are not using the code for that, I guess you are using some plugin.

kateM82 comments:

The taxonomies already existed. That was not the issue. Seriously.

The only thing I was doing with the taxonomies was adding a few extra categories(aka taxonomies) to an existing custom post type. And thats when I noticed this error.

But the white screen (which is the problem I am asking about) was happening a whole day before I even saw this error. And I just thought it might be relevant, but seriously, taxonomies have nothing to do with this.


Ehthisham tk answers:

I think your host has switched off error reporting
Change php.ini
If you can have access to php.ini file then set

display_errors = On
error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT

kateM82 comments:

Sorry for the dumb question, but where is the php.ini file? thanks