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WPMU Dev Membership plugin and querying posts on a static page WordPress


Hi All - I'm using and love the WPMUDev Membership plugin but am having a problem that, try as I may, I can't solve.

I have set up two levels, one for strangers and one for members. The only difference between permissions is that strangers can't access a Gravity Post form. That is all working as it should.

However, I have a CMS type home page which I'm trying to pull recent post titles into. I'm doing this by registering another sidebar in the functions.php file and then using either a shortcode insert widget plugin (which enables you to insert widgets into a page through use of a shortcode) or an execute PHP plugin (which enables me to call the sidebar directly in a page) to call the widget content in the defined area on the home page. Most widgets work in this area, on either approach, so I think I'm doing things correctly. However, neither the recent posts widget nor Justin Tadlock's Query Posts plugin/widget will work in this area. It's as if the Membership plugin is preventing a query being run in this way. And I say that because, when I'm logged in as admin, both the recent comments widget and Justin's widget work as expected.

So far as the Membership plugin is concerned, there's no shortcode option that I'm not ticking for viewable content and I have selected the relevant blog categories as being visible, which leaves me at an utter loss.

Can someone please help?

Many thanks.

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