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WPML and Karma, problems with saving Site Options settings WordPress


I am working with WP 3.3.1, With theme Karma and I installed the lastest version of WPML Multilingual CMS. My standard language is Dutch and my second language is English. When a try to adapt one of the Site Options settings for the english language the Site Options settings for Dutch is set back to default (when the select drop-box choice does not exist) of the english setting is copied to the dutch part.

For example: Appearnance, Site Options - selecting english as language, Utility pages, Sitemap: Column one title -> changing "Pagina's" (dutch) to "Pages" -> save all changes.

Effect: when selecting english as language indeed de "Pages" appear, but under dutch also de word "Pages" appear. Going back to the Site Options menu and selecting dutch as language, Utility pages, Sitemap: Column one title -> it says "Pages" and this should be "Pagina's". Vice versa also, so if I change something under dutch the english is changed also...

Can someone help me solving this problem?



Answers (2)


Ryan Riatno answers:

Hello, I'm sorry if it's not an answer you are expecting. But I'm using and have no problem so far and it's free.


senlin answers:

Hoi JP,
Dit klinkt als een foutieve setup van WPML.
Ik wil je met alle plezier helpen, maar mijn standaard WPML rate is het EUR equivalent van CNY 600 per uur. Normaal gesproken doe ik eerst een assessment van 1 uur. Als ik er niet uit kom, hoef je me dat uur niet te betalen. Als ik weet wat het probleem is, geef ik je een schatting van het aantal uren dat ik denk nodig te hebben en vraag ik om vooruitbetaling van de helft daarvan.
Je kan een kijkje nemen op [[LINK href=""]]mijn WPML portfolio[[/LINK]] en via [[LINK href=""]]de WPML site[[/LINK]] kan je zien dat ik één van de WPML Contractors ben.
Met vriendelijke groet,
Senlin Online - Piet Bos

Hi JP,
This sounds like a wrong setup of WPML/WP.
I would love to help you out, but my standard WPML rate is the EUR/USD equivalent of CNY 600 per hour. Normally I first do a 1 hour assessment of your site. If I think I cannot solve your problem, you won't need to pay me that first hour. If I see the problem, I will estimate the amount of hours I need to solve it and I will ask for downpayment of half of those hours.
Please have a look at [[LINK href=""]]my WPML portfolio[[/LINK]] to see what kind of jobs I have done so far and on the [[LINK href=""]]WPML site[[/LINK]] you will see that I am one of the Contractors.
Warmest regards,
Senlin Online - Piet Bos

jpboon comments:

Hello Piet,

thank you for your suggestion, but I don't think that this is a setup issue, because in reinstalled WP en WPML serveral times. Futhermore I saw that otherside with Karma and WPML have the same problem even the best-practise side suggested by WPML.

The problem is somewhere between Karma en WPML and it's probably caused by the fact that the setting under the Site Options menu are not saved to a seperate language (this is also the case under the widget menu). To my opinion this is something which should be solved under de WPML plugin...



senlin comments:

I wish I would be able to see how to reply on this site, but as I cannot and still want to reply, I will do it in this way...

Hi JP,
The other day I had a similar problem with a theme that had an options panel that didn't consider translations. I solved it in different ways and it depends largely on the theme how you can go with that. The theme I am referring to had an alert box and I solved that by making a widget of it instead and calling that in place.
My offer to help you stands, but not for USD 18, sorry mate.