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Vote-it-up plugin, change the number of votes in the db. WordPress


Hello, I´m using the by now outdated Vote-it-up Plugin (stable version) and I am very interested in learning or getting the sql query (or other technique) needed to be able to change the number of guest votes a post has.

When I do a query to the db I only get a encoded results, and I need to be able to 1. find a specific post id and see the amount of guest votes it has. Example: post 44 (double rainbows)

2. Change the amount of votes that specific post id has. (from 800 to 421)

This is the structure of wp_votes: How can I find the post, the votes and change this?
Field Type Collation Attributes Null Default Extra Action
post int(11) No None
votes text utf8_general_ci No None
guests longtext latin1_swedish_ci No None
usersinks text utf8_general_ci No None
guestsinks text utf8_general_ci No None

This is an example of the data I get from the votes field:
ID post votes guests usersinks guestsinks
1 6
2 31 ,1 ,b911328dbf588be4c6385ba6c712fad1,54a0696ca7d39121...
3 33 ,1
4 27 ,1 ,b911328dbf588be4c6385ba6c712fad1,328f31915644d6d0...
5 19 ,1 ,54a0696ca7d39121601e3541d637b737

How can I read the real number of votes, and how can I change that?

Answers (5)


Nick Parsons answers:


I have an idea that should work for you. It allows you to get the number of guest votes, and to edit the number of total votes via the "Edit Votes" page. Here's how it works:

<strong>Step 1:</strong>
Go to phpMyAdmin and add a field to the votes table named edit_votes. It will be used to store the modified vote number.

<strong>Step 2:</strong>
Open up votingfunctions.php, and go down the DisplayPostList function. Delete line 481, and put this in it's place:
<td class="post-title column-title">
<strong><a class="row-title" href="<?php echo $postdat->guid; ?>" title="<?php echo $postdat->post_title; ?>"><?php echo $postdat->post_title; ?></a></strong>
<div class="row-actions">
<?php if (isset($_POST['overwriteVotes'])){ global $wpdb; $wpdb->query("UPDATE ".$wpdb->prefix."votes SET edit_votes='".$wpdb->escape($_POST['editVotepost-'.$a[0][$i][0]])."' WHERE post='".$a[0][$i][0]."'"); } ?>
<a href="#" id="editVoteHandle">Edit Votes</a>

That will add an "Edit Votes" link that will appear when you hover over a row, like the "Edit | Quick Edit | Trash | Preview" on the edit posts page. That snippet also updates the edit_votes value if an updated value has been saved.

<strong>Step 3:</strong>
Now insert this in between lines 511 and 512:
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(this).parents('tr').after("<tr><td></td><td>Enter New Number of Votes:<input type='text' name='editVote" +(jQuery(this).parents('tr').attr('id'))+ "'/><input type='submit' value='Update' name='overwriteVotes' class='button-secondary action'/></td></tr>");
return false;

That snippet adds some javascript so that when you click on the "Edit Votes" link, it will expand with an input value and a submit button, kind of like the Quick Edit feature.

<strong>Step 4:</strong>
One more - replace line 489 with the following snippet:
<td class="categories column-categories">
<?php global $wpdb; if ($overwrite = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT edit_votes FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."votes WHERE post='".$a[0][$i][0]."'")) { echo '<strong>' .$overwrite. '&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong><del>'; } echo $a[1][$i][0]; ?>
(Users: <span style="color:#00CC00">+<?php echo $a[2][$i][0]; ?></span>/<span style="color:#CC0000">-<?php echo $a[3][$i][0]; ?></span>, Guests: <span style="color:#00CC00">+<?php echo $a[4][$i][0]; ?></span>/<span style="color:#CC0000">-<?php echo $a[5][$i][0]; ?></span><?php

<strong>Step 5:</strong>
Finally, add the following function at the bottom of votingfunctions.php:
function get_votes_number($p_ID){
global $wpdb;
$votingData = $wpdb->get_row( "SELECT * FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."votes WHERE post='".$p_ID."'");
return ($votingData->edit_votes) ? $votingData->edit_votes : count( explode( ',', $votingData->guests ) );

You should now be able to edit vote amounts via the Edit Votes page, and get the number of votes by calling get_votes_number( ID_OF_POST ).

kulan comments:

This is getting very close to what I want! But, when I go to the post admin I suddently now have a "page" on the top of the post listings. and when I press on the hover-able edit buttons on any of the posts, its only the top page that opens up with the text fields for updating the votes.

That means all of the edit fields end up with the top row, and not individually next to each post. When I update any of these fields, only the top page votes get lined-through with the new votes. But not the posts.

I think we are close, and I think I´ve been able to paste all the code where it needs to go.

Enclosed is a screenshot and the code
This script is designed to be run from wordpress. It will work if placed in the root directory of a wordpress install.
Revision: 4

-Added Widget
-Fixed Guest Voting
-Modified to use get_options
-Fixed Widget, now excludes deleted posts


//Run this to create an entry for a post in the voting system. Will check if the post exists. If it doesn't, it will create an entry.
function SetPost($post_ID) {
global $wpdb;

//prevents SQL injection
$p_ID = $wpdb->escape($post_ID);

//Check if entry exists
$id_raw = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT ID FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."votes WHERE post='".$p_ID."'");
if ($id_raw != '') {
//entry exists, do nothing
} else {
//entry does not exist
$wpdb->query("INSERT INTO ".$wpdb->prefix."votes (post, votes, guests, usersinks, guestsinks) VALUES(".$p_ID.", '', '', '', '') ") or die(mysql_error());

//Run this to create an entry for a user in the voting system. Will check if the user exists. If it doesn't, it will create an entry.
function SetUser($user_ID) {
global $wpdb;

//prevents SQL injection
$u_ID = $wpdb->escape($user_ID);

//Check if entry exists
$id_raw = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT ID FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."votes_users WHERE user='".$u_ID."'");
if ($id_raw != '') {
//entry exists, do nothing
} else {
//entry does not exist
$wpdb->query("INSERT INTO ".$wpdb->prefix."votes_users (user, votes, sinks) VALUES(".$u_ID.", '', '') ") or die(mysql_error());

//Returns the vote count
function GetVotes($post_ID, $percent = false) {
global $wpdb;

//prevents SQL injection
$p_ID = $wpdb->escape($post_ID);

//Create entries if not existant

//Gets the votes
$votes_raw = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT votes FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."votes WHERE post='".$p_ID."'");
$sinks_raw = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT usersinks FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."votes WHERE post='".$p_ID."'");
$guestvotes_raw = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT guests FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."votes WHERE post='".$p_ID."'");
$guestsinks_raw = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT guestsinks FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."votes WHERE post='".$p_ID."'");
/* Deprecated
$uservotes_raw = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT votes FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."votes_users WHERE user='".$u_ID."'");
$usersinks_raw = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT sinks FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."votes_users WHERE user='".$u_ID."'");

//Put it in array form
$votes = explode(",", $votes_raw);
$sinks = explode(",", $sinks_raw);
$guestvotes = explode(",", $guestvotes_raw);
$guestsinks = explode(",", $guestsinks_raw);
/* Deprecated
$uservotes = explode(",", $uservotes_raw);
$usersinks = explode(",", $usersinks_raw);
$uservotes = 0;
$usersinks = 0;

$initial = 0; //Initial no. of votes [will be placed at -1 when all posts receive votes]

//The mathematics
if ($percent == true) {
// make $votecount into a percent
$totalcount = count($votes) + count($sinks) + count($guestvotes) + count($guestsinks) + count($uservotes) + count($usersinks) + get_option('voteiu_initialoffset') - 6;
// the -6 is because count('') returns 1, so if there is no votes at all, 1 is returned. -6 offsets that
$forcount = count($votes) + count($guestvotes) + count($uservotes) + get_option('voteiu_initialoffset') - 3;
$againstcount = count($sinks) + count($guestsinks) + count($usersinks) - 3;
if ($totalcount > 0) {
$votecount = number_format(100*($forcount / $totalcount), 0) . "%";
} else {
return false;
return $votecount;
// uncomment this line below if you want to test
//return count($votes) . " " . count($sinks) . " " . count($guestvotes) . " " . count($guestsinks) . " " . count($uservotes) . " " . count($usersinks) . " " . get_option('voteiu_initialoffset') . " " . $p_ID;
} else {
// wihtout percent mode, $votecount is number of total positive votes (votes minus sinks)
$votecount = count($votes) - count($sinks) + count($guestvotes) - count($guestsinks) + count($uservotes) - count($usersinks) + $initial;
return $votecount + get_option('voteiu_initialoffset');

function GetPostVotes($post_ID) {
global $wpdb;

//prevents SQL injection
$p_ID = $wpdb->escape($post_ID);

//Create entries if not existant

//Gets the votes
$votes_raw = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT votes FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."votes WHERE post='".$p_ID."'");

//Put it in array form
$votes = explode(",", $votes_raw);
return $votes + get_option('voteiu_initialoffset');

function GetPostSinks($post_ID) {
global $wpdb;

//prevents SQL injection
$p_ID = $wpdb->escape($post_ID);

//Create entries if not existant

//Gets the votes
$sinks_raw = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT usersinks FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."votes WHERE post='".$p_ID."'");

//Put it in array form
$sinks = explode(",", $sinks_raw);
return $sinks + get_option('voteiu_initialoffset');

//Returns a series of information
function GetBarVotes($post_ID) {

//Some minor configuration
$max_displayed_votes = 40;
$vote_threshold = 30;

$votes = GetVotes($post_ID);
$votemax = $max_displayed_votes;
$votebreak = 30; //votes at which bar changes color
$bar[0] = 0; //The length of the bar
$bar[1] = 0; //The state of the bar
if ($votes > $votemax && $votes > -1) {
$bar[0] = $votemax;
} else {
if ($votes > -1) {
$bar[0] = $votes;
} else {
$bar[0] = 0;
if ($votes > $votebreak) {
$bar[1] = 1;
return $bar;

//Checks if the user voted
function UserVoted($post_ID, $user_ID) {
global $wpdb;

//prevents SQL injection
$p_ID = $wpdb->escape($post_ID);
$u_ID = $wpdb->escape($user_ID);

//Create entry if not existant

//Gets the votes
$votes_raw = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT votes FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."votes WHERE post='".$p_ID."'");
$sinks_raw = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT usersinks FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."votes WHERE post='".$p_ID."'");

//Put it in array form
$votes = explode(",", $votes_raw);
$sinks = explode(",", $sinks_raw);

$voted = FALSE;
$votekey = array_search($u_ID, $votes);
$sinkkey = array_search($u_ID, $sinks);
if ($votekey != '' | $sinkkey != '') {
$voted = TRUE;
return $voted;

//Checks if the visitor voted
function GuestVoted($post_ID, $user_IPhash) {
global $wpdb;

//prevents SQL injection
$p_ID = $wpdb->escape($post_ID);
$u_ID = $wpdb->escape($user_IPhash);

//Create entry if not existant

//Gets the votes
$votes_raw = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT guests FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."votes WHERE post='".$p_ID."'");
$sinks_raw = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT guestsinks FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."votes WHERE post='".$p_ID."'");

//Put it in array form
$votes = explode(",", $votes_raw);
$sinks = explode(",", $sinks_raw);

$voted = FALSE;
$votekey = array_search($u_ID, $votes);
$sinkkey = array_search($u_ID, $sinks);
if ($votekey != '' | $sinkkey != '') {
$voted = TRUE;
return $voted;

//Checks the key to see if it is valid
function CheckKey($key, $id) {
global $wpdb;
$userdata = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT display_name, user_email, user_url, user_registered FROM $wpdb->users WHERE ID = '".$id."'", ARRAY_N);
$chhash = md5($userdata[0][0].$userdata[0][3]);
if ($chhash == $key) {
return TRUE;
} else {
return FALSE;

//Saves the vote of a user to the database
function Vote($post_ID, $user_ID, $type) {
global $wpdb;

//Prevents SQL injection
$p_ID = $wpdb->escape($post_ID);
$u_ID = $wpdb->escape($user_ID);

//Create entries if not existant

//Gets the votes
$votes_raw = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT votes FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."votes WHERE post='".$p_ID."'");
$sinks_raw = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT usersinks FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."votes WHERE post='".$p_ID."'");
$uservotes_raw = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT votes FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."votes_users WHERE user='".$u_ID."'");
$usersinks_raw = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT sinks FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."votes_users WHERE user='".$u_ID."'");

//Gets the votes in array form
$votes = explode(",", $votes_raw);
$sinks = explode(",", $sinks_raw);
$uservotes = explode(",", $uservotes_raw);
$usersinks = explode(",", $usersinks_raw);

//Check if user voted
if (!UserVoted($post_ID,$user_ID)) {
//user hasn't vote, so the script allows the user to vote

if ($type != 'sink') {
//Add vote to array
$user_var[0] = $u_ID;
$post_var[0] = $p_ID;
$votes_result = array_merge($votes,$user_var);
$votes_result_raw = implode(",",$votes_result);
$uservotes_result = array_merge($uservotes,$post_var);
$uservotes_result_raw = implode(",",$uservotes_result);
$sinks_result_raw = $sinks_raw;
$usersinks_result_raw = $usersinks_raw;
} else {
//Add sink to array
$user_var[0] = $u_ID;
$post_var[0] = $p_ID;
$sinks_result = array_merge($sinks,$user_var);
$sinks_result_raw = implode(",",$sinks_result);
$usersinks_result = array_merge($usersinks,$post_var);
$usersinks_result_raw = implode(",",$usersinks_result);
$votes_result_raw = $votes_raw;
$uservotes_result_raw = $votesinks_raw;

//Prevents SQL injection
$votes_result_sql = $wpdb->escape($votes_result_raw);
$sinks_result_sql = $wpdb->escape($sinks_result_raw);
$uservotes_result_sql = $wpdb->escape($uservotes_result_raw);
$usersinks_result_sql = $wpdb->escape($usersinks_result_raw);

//Update votes
$wpdb->query("UPDATE ".$wpdb->prefix."votes SET votes='".$votes_result_sql."' WHERE post='".$p_ID."'");
$wpdb->query("UPDATE ".$wpdb->prefix."votes SET usersinks='".$sinks_result_sql."' WHERE post='".$p_ID."'");
$wpdb->query("UPDATE ".$wpdb->prefix."votes_users SET votes='".$uservotes_result_sql."' WHERE user='".$u_ID."'");
$wpdb->query("UPDATE ".$wpdb->prefix."votes_users SET sinks='".$usersinks_result_sql."' WHERE user='".$u_ID."'");

$result = 'true';
} else {
//The user voted, thus the script will not update the votes in the article
$result = 'false';

return $result; //returns '' on failure, returns 'true' if votes were casted, returns 'false' if user already casted a vote

//Saves the vote of a guest to the database
function GuestVote($post_ID, $type) {
global $wpdb;

//Guest's vote is stored permanently. May implement votes that will expire.
//Use user IP
$iphash = md5($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);

//Set a cookie if there isn't any. This is to reduce the problem of users using proxies and voting multiple times on the same stories.
if(isset($_COOKIE['tevinevotes'])) {
$iphash = $_COOKIE['tevinevotes'];
} else {
$cookielife = 14 * 60 * 24 * 60 + time(); //Set to expire in a year from now
setcookie('tevinevotes', $iphash, $cookielife);

//Prevents SQL injection
$u_ID = $wpdb->escape($iphash);
$p_ID = $wpdb->escape($post_ID);

//Create entries if not existant

//Gets the info
$votes_raw = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT guests FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."votes WHERE post='".$p_ID."'");
$sinks_raw = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT guestsinks FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."votes WHERE post='".$p_ID."'");

//Gets the votes in array form
$votes = explode(",", $votes_raw);
$sinks = explode(",", $sinks_raw);

//Check if user voted
if (!GuestVoted($post_ID,$user_ID)) {
//user hasn't vote, so the script allows the user to vote

if ($type != 'sink') {
//Add vote to array
$user_var[0] = $u_ID;
$post_var[0] = $p_ID;
$votes_result = array_merge($votes,$user_var);
$votes_result_raw = implode(",",$votes_result);
$sinks_result_raw = $sinks_raw;
} else {
//Add sink to array
$user_var[0] = $u_ID;
$post_var[0] = $p_ID;
$sinks_result = array_merge($sinks,$user_var);
$sinks_result_raw = implode(",",$sinks_result);
$votes_result_raw = $votes_raw;

//Prevents SQL injection
$votes_result_sql = $wpdb->escape($votes_result_raw);
$sinks_result_sql = $wpdb->escape($sinks_result_raw);

//Update votes
$wpdb->query("UPDATE ".$wpdb->prefix."votes SET guests='".$votes_result_sql."' WHERE post='".$p_ID."'");
$wpdb->query("UPDATE ".$wpdb->prefix."votes SET guestsinks='".$sinks_result_sql."' WHERE post='".$p_ID."'");

$result = 'true';
} else {
//The user voted, thus the script will not update the votes in the article
$result = 'false';

return $result; //returns '' on failure, returns 'true' if votes were casted, returns 'false' if user already casted a vote

//Gets an array of posts with vote count
//Identical to SortVotes() except that it is sorted by ID in descending order, and has more information on votes
function GetVoteArray() {
global $wpdb;

$limit = get_option('voteiu_limit');

//Get posts logged, and get the latest posts voted [new posts have larger IDs
$posts = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT post FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."votes WHERE ID != '' ORDER BY ID DESC");

$postarray = array();
$votesarray = array();
$uservotes_a = array();
$usersinks_a = array();
$guestvotes_a = array();
$guestsinks_a = array();

Limit, so as to reduce time taken for this script to run. If you want to raise the limit to maximum, use
$limit = count($posts);
if ($limit == '') {
$limit = 100;
$limit = 999;

//Ignore limit if post count is below limit
if ($limit > count($posts)) {
$limit = count($posts);

//foreach ($posts as &$post) {
//Support PHP4 by not using foreach
for ($counter = 0; $counter < $limit; $counter += 1) {
$post = $posts[$counter];
$p_ID = $post->post;

//Gets the votes
$votes_raw = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT votes FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."votes WHERE post='".$p_ID."'");
$sinks_raw = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT usersinks FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."votes WHERE post='".$p_ID."'");
$guestvotes_raw = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT guests FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."votes WHERE post='".$p_ID."'");
$guestsinks_raw = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT guestsinks FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."votes WHERE post='".$p_ID."'");

//Put it in array form
$votes = explode(",", $votes_raw);
$sinks = explode(",", $sinks_raw);
$guestvotes = explode(",", $guestvotes_raw);
$guestsinks = explode(",", $guestsinks_raw);

$initial = get_option('voteiu_initialoffset');

//The mathematics
$votecount = count($votes) - count($sinks) + count($guestvotes) - count($guestsinks) + $initial;
array_push($postarray, array($p_ID));
array_push($votesarray, array($votecount));
array_push($uservotes_a, array(count($votes)-1)); //Apparently there is one extra item in the array
array_push($usersinks_a, array(count($sinks)-1));
array_push($guestvotes_a, array(count($guestvotes)-1));
array_push($guestsinks_a, array(count($guestsinks)-1));
$output = array($postarray, $votesarray, $uservotes_a, $usersinks_a, $guestvotes_a, $guestsinks_a);
return $output;


//Used in options page
function DisplayPostList() {
$a = GetVoteArray();
$i = 0;

//Begin table
<table class="widefat post fixed" id="formtable" style="clear: both;" cellspacing="0">

<th scope="col" id="cb" class="manage-column column-cb check-column" style=""><input type="checkbox" name="multiselect[]" onclick="javascript:CheckUncheck()" /></th>
<th scope="col" id="title" class="manage-column column-title" style="">Post</th>
<?php /*?> <th scope="col" id="author" class="manage-column column-author" style="">Author</th><?php */ ?>
<th scope="col" id="votes" class="manage-column column-categories" style="width: 40%">Votes</th>


<th scope="col" class="manage-column column-cb check-column" style=""><input type="checkbox" name="multiselect[]" onclick="javascript:CheckUncheck()" /></th>
<th scope="col" class="manage-column column-title" style="">Post</th>
<?php /* ?> <th scope="col" class="manage-column column-author" style="">Author</th><?php */ ?>

<th scope="col" class="manage-column column-categories" style="">Votes</th>


while ($i < count($a[0])) {
$postdat = get_post($a[0][$i][0]);
if (!empty($postdat)) {
<tr id='post-<?php echo $a[0][$i][0]; ?>' class='alternate author-other status-publish iedit' valign="top">
<th scope="row" class="check-column"><input type="checkbox" name="post[]" value="<?php echo $a[0][$i][0]; ?>" /></th>
<td class="post-title column-title">

<a class="row-title" href="<?php echo $postdat->guid; ?>" title="<?php echo $postdat->post_title; ?>"><?php echo $postdat->post_title; ?></a>

<div class="row-actions">

<?php if (isset($_POST['overwriteVotes'])){ global $wpdb; $wpdb->query("UPDATE ".$wpdb->prefix."votes SET edit_votes='".$wpdb->escape($_POST['editVotepost-'.$a[0][$i][0]])."' WHERE post='".$a[0][$i][0]."'"); } ?>

<a href="#" id="editVoteHandle">Edit Votes</a>


</td><?php /* ?><td class="author column-author"><?php echo $postdat->post_author; ?></td><?php */ ?>
<td class="categories column-categories">

<?php global $wpdb; if ($overwrite = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT edit_votes FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."votes WHERE post='".$a[0][$i][0]."'")) { echo '' .$overwrite. '&nbsp;&nbsp;<del>'; } echo $a[1][$i][0]; ?>

(Users: <span style="color:#00CC00">+<?php echo $a[2][$i][0]; ?></span>/<span style="color:#CC0000">-<?php echo $a[3][$i][0]; ?></span>, Guests: <span style="color:#00CC00">+<?php echo $a[4][$i][0]; ?></span>/<span style="color:#CC0000">-<?php echo $a[5][$i][0]; ?></span><?php
if(get_option('voteiu_initialoffset') != '0') {
echo ', Offset: ';
if (get_option('voteiu_initialoffset') > 0) {
echo '<span style="color:#00CC00">+'.get_option('voteiu_initialoffset').'</span>';
} else {
echo '<span style="color:#CC0000">'.get_option('voteiu_initialoffset').'</span>';
} } ?>)</td>

echo $postdat->post_title;
echo ' - ';
echo $a[1][$i][0];
echo '<br />';

?><script type="text/javascript">



jQuery(this).parents('tr').after("<tr><td></td><td>Enter New Number of Votes:<input type='text' name='editVote" +(jQuery(this).parents('tr').attr('id'))+ "'/><input type='submit' value='Update' name='overwriteVotes' class='button-secondary action'/></td></tr>");

return false;




//End table

//Handles the deleting of votes, used to read the POST when the page is submitted
function VoteBulkEdit() {
$buttonnumber = 0; //Determines which apply button was clicked on. 0 if no button was clicked.
$action = 'none'; //Determines what should be done
if (array_key_exists('doaction1', $_POST)) {
$buttonnumber = 1;
if (array_key_exists('doaction2', $_POST)) {
$buttonnumber = 2;
if ($buttonnumber != 0 && array_key_exists('action'.$buttonnumber, $_POST)) {
if ($_POST['action'.$buttonnumber] != -1) {
//Assigns action to be done
$action = $_POST['action'.$buttonnumber];

if (!array_key_exists('post', $_POST)) {
$action = 'none'; //set action to none if there are no posts to modify

//Begin modifying votes
if ($action != 'none' && $action != '') {
ResetVote($_POST['post'], $action);


function ResetVote($postids, $action) {
Testing stuff...
echo 'Posts: '.implode(', ',$_POST['post']);
echo '<br />';
echo "Action: ".$action;
global $wpdb;

switch ($action) {

case 'none':
//do nothing
case 'delete':
//reset all votes for the post
$i = 0;
while ($i < count($postids)) {
$wpdb->query("UPDATE ".$wpdb->prefix."votes SET votes = '',guests = '',usersinks = '', guestsinks = '' WHERE `post`=".$postids[$i]." LIMIT 1 ;");
case 'deleteuser':
//reset all votes for users
$i = 0;
while ($i < count($postids)) {
$wpdb->query("UPDATE ".$wpdb->prefix."votes SET votes = '',usersinks = '' WHERE post=".$postids[$i]." LIMIT 1 ;");
case 'deleteguest':
//reset all votes for guests
$i = 0;
while ($i < count($postids)) {
$wpdb->query("UPDATE ".$wpdb->prefix."votes SET guests = '',guestsinks = '' WHERE post=".$postids[$i]." LIMIT 1 ;");


function EditVoteSuccess() {
?><div id="message" class="updated fade"><p><strong>Votes edited</strong></p></div><?php

//Used to sort votes for widgets
function SortVotes() {
global $wpdb;

$limit = get_option('voteiu_limit');

//Get posts logged, and get the latest posts voted [new posts have larger IDs
$posts = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT post FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."votes WHERE ID != '' ORDER BY ID DESC");

$postarray = array();
$votesarray = array();

Limit, so as to reduce time taken for this script to run. If you want to raise the limit to maximum, use
$limit = count($posts);
if ($limit == '') {
$limit = 100;

//Ignore limit if post count is below limit
if ($limit > count($posts)) {
$limit = count($posts);

//foreach ($posts as &$post) {
//Support PHP4 by not using foreach
for ($counter = 0; $counter < $limit; $counter += 1) {
$post = $posts[$counter];
$p_ID = $post->post;

//Gets the votes
$votes_raw = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT votes FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."votes WHERE post='".$p_ID."'");
$sinks_raw = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT usersinks FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."votes WHERE post='".$p_ID."'");
$guestvotes_raw = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT guests FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."votes WHERE post='".$p_ID."'");
$guestsinks_raw = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT guestsinks FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."votes WHERE post='".$p_ID."'");

//Put it in array form
$votes = explode(",", $votes_raw);
$sinks = explode(",", $sinks_raw);
$guestvotes = explode(",", $guestvotes_raw);
$guestsinks = explode(",", $guestsinks_raw);

$initial = get_option('voteiu_initialoffset');

//The mathematics
$votecount = count($votes) - count($sinks) + count($guestvotes) - count($guestsinks) + $initial;
array_push($postarray, array($p_ID));
array_push($votesarray, array($votecount));
array_multisort($votesarray, SORT_DESC, $postarray);
$output = array($postarray, $votesarray);
return $output;


//Displays the widget
function MostVotedAllTime_Widget() {
$a = SortVotes();

<div class="votewidget">
<div class="title">Most Voted</div>
$rows = 0;

//Now does not include deleted posts
$i = 0;
while ($rows < get_option('voteiu_widgetcount')) {
if ($a[0][$i][0] != '') {
$postdat = get_post($a[0][$i][0]);
if (!empty($postdat)) {

if (round($rows / 2) == ($rows / 2)) {
echo '<div class="fore">';
} else {
echo '<div class="back">';
echo '<div class="votecount">'.$a[1][$i][0].' '.Pluralize($a[1][$i][0], 'votes', 'vote').' </div><div><a href="'.$postdat->guid.'" title="'.$postdat->post_title.'">'.$postdat->post_title.'</a></div>';
echo '</div>';
if ($i < count($a[0])) {
} else {
break; //exit the loop




//Displays the widget optimised for sidebar
function MostVotedAllTime_SidebarWidget() {
$a = SortVotes();

<div class="votewidget">
$rows = 0;

//Now does not include deleted posts
$i = 0;
while ($rows < get_option('voteiu_widgetcount')) {
if ($a[0][$i][0] != '') {
$postdat = get_post($a[0][$i][0]);
if (!empty($postdat)) {
if (round($rows / 2) == ($rows / 2)) {
echo '<div class="fore">';
} else {
echo '<div class="back">';
echo '<div class="votecount" style="width: 1em; color: #555555; font-weight: bold;">'.$a[1][$i][0].' </div><div><a href="'.$postdat->guid.'" title="'.$postdat->post_title.'">'.$postdat->post_title.'</a></div>';
echo '</div>';
if ($i < count($a[0])) {
} else {
break; //exit the loop




//For those particular with English
function Pluralize($number, $plural, $singular) {
if ($number == 1) {
return $singular;
} else {
return $plural;
function get_votes_number($p_ID){

global $wpdb;

$votingData = $wpdb->get_row( "SELECT * FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."votes WHERE post='".$p_ID."'");

return ($votingData->edit_votes) ? $votingData->edit_votes : count( explode( ',', $votingData->guests ) );

//Not used yet
function IsExcluded($id) {
global $excludedid;
$clean = str_replace("\r", "", $excludedid);
$excluded = explode("\n", $clean);
