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Video & Lightbox issue WordPress


Hi Guys

On this page you click the arrow on the video and it opens up the lightbox

However on this page we are using the exact same code but the linking is not working properly you will see when you hover over the arrow the link disappears.

What's going on there?

Many thanks

Answers (2)


Arnav Joy answers:

add this to your css

.textwidget .video{
position: relative;
z-index: 1;



zebra webdesigns answers:

Hello Steve you missed some of the styles.

Please correct those with the right one below

.catalyst-widget-area {
margin-left: 20px;
width: 940px;

#sub_header p.click_this {
float: left;
font-size: 16px;
left: 25px;
line-height: 34px;
padding-bottom: 0;
position: relative;
top: 55px;
#sub_header .textwidget p.watch_this {
float: left;
font-family: 'Palatino Linotype',Georgia,Times New Roman;
font-size: 33px;
font-weight: 600;
left: 25px;
line-height: 1.1em !important;
position: relative;
top: 40px;
width: 465px;

zebra webdesigns comments:

Arnav solution will get the video to come above the other blocks.

But you have missed some of the styles which I mentioned above.
which causes the trouble.

if you correct it , even the Get us to help you will come in the correct place.

Steve Watson comments:

I dont understand this Kumar... the styles are there already so I cannot see how this helps

Steve Watson comments:

Does the lighbox on this site need a z index value?

Steve Watson comments:

Does the lighbox on this site need a z index value?