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Using wp_remote_get with cookies WordPress



I'm trying to remote get a full page using cookies, i tried many many configurations but i can not figure out why this is not working.

Heres my basic code <em>( url NSFW sorry )</em> :
while( !is_file( 'wp-load.php' ) ){
if( is_dir('../') ) chdir( '../' );
else die( 'Could not find WordPress.' );
require ( 'wp-load.php' );
$url = ''; // NSFW
$content = wp_remote_get( $url );
var_dump( $content );

This page can not be viewed without a cookie named "over18" containing your session id.
I think i have to add cookies here : wp_remote_get( $url, <strong>$args</strong> );

Who can tell me what is the good <strong>$args</strong> to pass in this function ?

Thank you

<em>ps : please, try your code before posting.</em>

Answers (2)


Gabriel Reguly answers:

Hi Julio,

Sorry, but $5 is not worth a lot of time.

So I'll help you with the basic info and you will have to find yourself the correct values for reddit ;-)

$url = ''; // NSFW

$cookie = new WP_Http_Cookie( 'over18' );
$cookie->name = 'over18';
$cookie->value = '8cfed3ce4e1c0bd7d2763c2839a689b69e5f8d6c';
$cookie->expires = mktime( 0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d') + 7, date('Y') ); // expires in 7 days
$cookie->path = '/';
$cookie->domain = '';

$cookies[] = $cookie;

$cookie2 = new WP_Http_Cookie( 'reddit_first' );
$cookie2->name = 'reddit_first';
$cookie2->value = '%7B%22firsttime%22%3A%20%22first%22%7D';
$cookie2->expires = mktime( 0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d') + 7, date('Y') );
$cookie2->path = '/';
$cookie2->domain = '';

$cookies[] = $cookie2;

$args = array( 'cookies' => $cookies );

$content = wp_remote_get( $url, $args );

Good luck,

Edit: Thanks for the prize money.

If I knew you accepted a cURL solution, I would have shared mine before ( it does a login, then loads a page )

if ( ! function_exists( curl_init ) ) {
<p class="erro"> Não é possível consultar site ! <br />
Falta função curl_init no PHP. </p>
<p><a href="">Extranet</a></p>
} else {
$hCURL = @curl_init(); // create cURL handle ( )
if ( ! $hCURL ) {
<p>Couldn't initialize a cURL handle.</p>
} else {
$bError = false;
$sCookieJar = '/tmp/cookies';
$sReferer = '';
$sURL = '';
$sPost = 'login=' . urlencode( $_REQUEST['login'] ) . '&senha=' . urlencode( $_REQUEST['senha'] );
curl_setopt( $hCURL, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1 );
curl_setopt( $hCURL, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0 );
curl_setopt( $hCURL, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30 );
curl_setopt( $hCURL, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 0 );
curl_setopt( $hCURL, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, $sCookieJar );
curl_setopt( $hCURL, CURLOPT_POST, 1 );
curl_setopt( $hCURL, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $sPost );
curl_setopt( $hCURL, CURLOPT_URL, $sURL );
curl_setopt( $hCURL, CURLOPT_REFERER, $sReferer );
$sReturn = curl_exec( $hCURL );
if ( curl_errno( $hCURL ) ) {
echo 'cURL error: <strong>' . curl_error( $hCURL ) . '</strong>';
$bError = true;
curl_close( $hCURL );
if ( ! $bError ) {
$hCURL = curl_init(); // create cURL handle ( )
if ( ! $hCURL ) {
<p>Couldn't initialize a second cURL handle.</p>
} else {
$sReturn = '';
$sReferer = '';
$sURL = '';
curl_setopt( $hCURL, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, $sCookieJar );
curl_setopt( $hCURL, CURLOPT_URL, $sURL );
curl_setopt( $hCURL, CURLOPT_REFERER, $sReferer );
if ( false === ( $sReturn = curl_exec( $hCURL ) ) ) {
echo 'cURL error after login: <strong>' . curl_error( $hCURL ) . '</strong>';
curl_close( $hCURL );
if ( strstr( $sReturn, '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=/cgi-bin/relogin.plx?script=monta_layout.plx">' ) ) {
echo 'Login inválido';
} else {
echo ( $sReturn );

Julio Potier comments:

Of course i understand that $5 is low, in fact, i was waiting for someone who already got this kind of code in their files.
But you can count on me, if i see that someone waste his time for one of my question, the price will be raised ;)

Thank you dude ! Mines is the man with his CURL function.

But your function works for a wp_reote_get, so you both win $5 ;)

Thanks too


Gerard answers:

Do not use wp_remote_get as you have to deal with POST requests and some issues with cookies.
Use curl instead:

/* cookie file */
$cookie_file = dirname(__FILE__) . '/cookie.txt';
/* url we need to access */
$confirmation_url = '';
/* perform a post request with our cookie. using curl */
$handle = curl_init();
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_URL, $confirmation_url);
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, $cookie_file);
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, $cookie_file);
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_POST, true );
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true );
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, array('over18' => 'yes', 'uh' => ''));
/* reponse contains our page */
$response = curl_exec($handle);

Note: $response will be your page in HTML.

Julio Potier comments:

Ok i see ... the button is a POST method, of course -_-
So, mines, your my man. Your code works !
Thank you !!
As i can see, you're new here, welcome :)