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Using Facebook to comment – solving the reload issue WordPress


Hello out there,

To allow users to login with their facebook account to post comments we are using WP Social login ( for our comment section in our blog. Alternatively, user can type in their email and name to comment.

The problem we are facing is that the entire page reloads when users are logging in with facebook and their typed text as well as the image they have uploaded (using WP comment attachment) is gone.

We are looking for a solution where either

- no page reload is neccesary
- the image and the text is being saved and shown after login
- Where the comment is submitted when facebook login takes place (least favorable solution; only if other two don’t work)

We don’t want to use the ugly facebook comment plugin or jetpack or disqus, but the latter two are an example where this functionality actually works fine.

Ideas are highly appreciated and rewarded!

Answers (2)


Arnav Joy answers:

can you show me the url where it is ?

robork comments:

Arnav has done a great job and solved the issue very quickly!


Espreson Media answers:

Have your problem resolved by "Facebook for WordPress".
URL : [[LINK href=""]]Facebook for WordPress[[/LINK]]