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User access manager plugin with 3.3 - help? WordPress



My basic understanding of 'user access manager' plugin, is that you install, set up your groups for user roles, and your done.

And the 'access' widget appears on post/page editors, and the access check boxes even appear on pictures, files, etc.

For example, let's say I set up a group called "Elite" containing only my 'contributor user role'...

...and let's say if I selected "Elite" on a post or file, then surely this post or file should be hidden from a user role like subscriber... right???

I'm not having such luck.

I'm using this plugin [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]] with the very latest version of wordpress.

Can anyone test on their wordpress setup and see if you are having issues with the latest wordpress, or if my basic understanding is wrong.

Also on my wordpress install, with this plugin, there is NO settings menu? Proper foo-bar

I'm also running a few jQuery scripts in the footer of my site, using the $, very basic scripts. As soon as I install this plugin, all my jQuery scripts stop working. Why would a plugin kill all my jQuery scripts?

Sorry I cannot share the site.

Help would be very awesome as i'm relying on this for my project :-(


Answers (1)


Julio Potier answers:

Hello i'm trying !

Julio Potier comments:

It's ok for me, the plugin works correctly here :s

Josh Cranwell comments:

Hi Julio,

I've fixed the jQuery with...

jQuery(document).ready(function($) {

That's OK...

I found the menu... ...that's OK.

The problem is Custom Post types, it's not doing anything for custom post types. Won't hide anything.

Have you got custom post type on your dev site?

Josh Cranwell comments:

Hi Julio

I have fixed the members access. Thanks for your time. Speak soon.

I have voted for you for your time.
