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User Profile & Survey combined plugin? WordPress


We are seeking to include the following functionality in our existing Wordpress site. Where possible this should be achieved through available plugins.

Responsive web design is a key requirement.

<strong>1. User Registration</strong>

Users need to register through a front-end registration form. This form needs to be fully customisable in terms of required and optional fields that can be specified and changed by site administrators. Once users are registered they will login through a front-end login form (i.e. these users should not login through the standard wp-admin.php page). Normal registration/login functionality should be included (e.g. CAPCHAs for registration, reset password, etc.). Note: these users will not have access to the WP backend at any time.

<strong>2. Quiz</strong>

Once registered and logged in, users will have access to a site quiz. This quiz must be fully customisable by site administrators. It should facilitate multiple questions types, in categories, with weightings per question. The quiz should employ conditional logic (for instance: when quiz is submitted, users are sent to a custom URL based on their result). Registered users must be able to view all previous quiz attempts when they login, as well as take the quiz multiple times. The general functionality of the following plugin is sought: (but with the integrated functionality of registered users able to access results from previous attempts).


Site administrators require full administrative control of the above. User Registration and Management: View individual user accounts, search profiles, export fields to CSV, disable accounts, etc.

Quiz: view all quiz results, export results to CSV, etc.

Does a plugin exist with the above functionality? and if not I would like a quote on the above work.

Answers (2)


Veritus answers:

Check this plugin, I haven't tested it but seems quite advanced :

Ailsa Craig comments:

Thanks Felipe, I think this plugin may do the job.


Kyle answers:

Yes, Gravity Forms has add-ons for user registration, surveys, and quizzes

[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

Kyle comments:

I have a developer's license, PM me if you'd like help getting started.

Kyle comments:

As far as the 'disable accounts' feature, you'd need another plugin like [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

Ailsa Craig comments:

Thanks Kyle - I'm going to give that other plugin a go but I may get back to you if that doesn't work out.