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Upload folder is not writable. Export and file upload features... WordPress


I'm getting this message in my Wordpress admin section...

<strong>"Upload folder is not writable. Export and file upload features will not be functional."</strong>

I tried changing the permissions for the Uploads folders to 777 to make it writeable, but the message is still there.

Does anyone know how to get rid of this error message?

Thank you for your help!

Answers (4)


Brian Richards answers:

Are the subfolders writeable? (i.e. /wp-content/uploads/2010/)

Spencer Barfuss comments:

Well, I just checked, and they are set at 755... so no, they are not writeable. But wouldn't Wordpress do this by default. Not sure why this is popping up all of a sudden.

Brian Richards comments:

WP should handle it all by default, but some times when the permissions get screwed up initially it needs a bit of a jump start.

Did changing those solve the problem, or are you still having trouble?


Monster Coder answers:

You might have setting to store files on date wise directories like:

if so, you make sure too writeable.

chmod -R 755 wp-content/uploads/

Another thing:
your web server may be running on different user. so 755 will not work. Please try, 757 or 777.

last thing:
are you sure that your upload directory is wp-content/uploads ? It can be /uploads too. please check the path in settings -> Miscellaneous


Spencer Barfuss comments:

Yeah, tried setting it to 777, and it still showed up refreshing the page within Admin. The directory is /wp-content/uploads.

Monster Coder comments:

Is your path correct? please check my last update of previous reply.

Spencer Barfuss comments:

Yes, the path is correct.

Monster Coder comments:

if you want me to look at, please send me login (Shell or FTP with wp-admin) using PM. i will check it.


Erez S answers:
The solution he gave him should work for you,Enjoy

Erez S comments:

btw make sure that the message is not caused by one of your plugins


Noah Coffey answers:

There are some plugins that require that you set your upload path even if it is the same as the default (ie. don't leave it blank).