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Upload Media lightbox window malfunction WordPress


My 'upload media' standard lightbox is asking "are you sure" instead of the regular 'upload media' options. when i click through, it opens up another instance of the wp admin dashboard in that window. i tried deactivating any widgets that may be conflicting. What's going on here?

Answers (1)


Dan | gteh answers:

Disable all of your plugins, and change your theme to the default twentyten theme that comes with WordPress and see if the problem still exists. Not just widgets or ones you *think* may be causing it, but all of them.

If it looks fixed, then start re-enabling plugins and theme one by one until you see what is causing it.

Otherwise, if you've recently upgraded wordpress, it's possible not all files got copied/upgrade properly and you may need to re-upload the wordpress files and upgrade again.

Patrick MacAdams comments:

I've tried disabling all plugins, switching to twenty ten, and wrote over all wordpress files with a fresh download