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Upgrade to new RoyalSlider. WordPress


I recently made changes to my RoyalSlider and accidentally changed the RoyalSlider ID # from #1 and now my the Slider isn't being recognized on my site, which you can see here"

Also, I used to get RoyalSlider added in to my WP website and now I would like to get the upgraded version of RoyalSlider.

Answers (2)


Arnav Joy answers:

are you using shortcode or function call in theme?

JessGenevieve comments:

Sorry, I'm not a developer. I have no idea.
If you can tell me how to find out I can let you know?

Arnav Joy comments:

can you provide me access to your site?

Arnav Joy comments:

do not share any thing here , send me pm

JessGenevieve comments:

Money has been sent through! Let me know if there are any problems.

Thanks again!


Expert answers:

<blockquote>and accidentally changed the RoyalSlider ID # from #1</blockquote> Can you revert it back ? how did you change the royal slider ID ? May be you can look into header.php/ home.php/ index.php for the do_shortcode() function and change the old slider ID to the new one. This shortcode might be in the page content for the home too.

<strong>About upgrading:</strong> There is no way to import images and HTML animated blocks from old version to new, as data is managed in completely different way: options are different, skins are different, markup is different. You have to re-create the slider(s) manually again on the new Royal Slider plugin. Also the shortcode is changed on new version. [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

Expert comments:

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