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Update Paypal, Englarge/Update Header Logo, etc. WordPress


Hi there,

I need help updating my paypal links, enlarging/updating my header logo, and fixing the way my drop downs look.

Answers (4)


Rashad Aliyev answers:

Tell me what's the problem? What's your site?

Rashad Aliyev comments:

Your form using JavaScrpit. and it's cleared by WP automatically. Please update your PAGE (which containing your form with HTML mode).


Ehthisham tk answers:

credential please


Jonah Schulte answers:

Hi Mark,

I would be happy to help you with your Wordpress changes for PayPal, the header logo and dropdown menus. I just sent you a message with my email address if you want to send me the login information for your site's FTP account and Wordpress admin. The message explains in more detail, too. I look forward to helping!

Best regards,
Jonah S.


Mykyta Savchenko answers:

Please, provide credentials. Will help you right now.