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Unwanted Characters Displaying on Thematic Child Theme Links WordPress


Using AutoFocus+, a thematic child theme, I am getting 'junk' code - additional unwanted characters - in front of certain links on the front page and on post pages.

These links include:
1. the Edit (.edit-link) button (when logged in) on the front page of the site
2. the Reply link under the comments div
3. the cancel Reply link under the comments div

See an example generating in the comments section with the "Reply" link:

Please help! I need to remove these unwanted characters.


Answers (2)


Ivaylo Draganov answers:

Seems to me like it's content generated with CSS. I can see it in the stylesheet as well. Open up your theme's <em>style.css</em> and remove any lines containing something like this:

a:before {content:"A?A?A? ";}

I've found 6 matching lines(90, 208, 323, 373, 396 and 432). It's weird that they are present there. And they seem to be improperly encoded. Try and see what you get.


Rashad Aliyev answers:


Edit this file and fix this problem and save as it UTF-8 without signiture.

for example you can use for this Notepad editor. EmEditor is the my suggestion for code editing.

best regards.

willisk comments:

What file exactly?

Rashad Aliyev comments:

Of course, It must be about comments template. Open your host and get it and change as I suggest..