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URL redirect for custom taxonomy on Posts WordPress

I have created a custom Taxonomy for my Posts called "used-equipment" using the CPT UI plugin.

The settings I have are:

Hierarchical - true
Rewrite Hierarchical - true

The rest of the settings are just the defaults.

My problem is with the URLs for the archive pages.

The standard URL without 'Hierarchical true' for the category "<em>test</em>" which is a child of the parent category "<em>drive-in-rack</em>" is like this:

When I turn on the settings above (hierarchical true, etc) I get this URL, which is what I want (with the parent category "drive-in-rack" in the URL):

The problem is that the first URL still works but I only want the second URL to work.

So my question is: Can I redirect the first URL to the second one using htaccess? I can do it individually by child category using the redirection plugin, but that's a clunky solution. Or is there a better way to do this?

Answers (2)


timDesain Nanang answers:

try to re-save "Permalink Settings" once more.

wp will redirect from the first to the second url automatically.

Mike Sewell comments:

I'm afraid it's not that, that's the first thing I did after updating the taxonomy.


gensmeta answers:

Try adding this to the .htaccess file of the directory you want to redirect <strong>from</strong>, or any of it's parent directories.

RedirectMatch ^/used-equipment/test/$

This should redirect any requests to to

Any text after the "" should automagically be appended to "" in the process.

Mike Sewell comments:

Is there any way to make that apply to all child items of the used-equipment taxonomy without having to add a rewrite for each one?

gensmeta comments:

Try this:
RedirectMatch ^/used-equipment/test/(.*)$$1

Mike Sewell comments:

Is there any way to make that apply to all child items of the used-equipment taxonomy without having to add a rewrite for each one?

For example that above would mean I'd need to add a rewrite for each child category of /drive-in-rack/ I can do that with the redirection plugin.

What I'm looking for is if it's possible to create a rewrite rule that will redirect the URL: <strong></strong> to the URL which contains: <strong></strong>

OR if there is a way to stop this URL structure from being created in the first place -