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URGENT: It is no longer possible to access in the blog CP WordPress


Today, an editor of the blog that administer told me that it was not possible to read the old articles but only the last one added. Indeed, it is! I, to understand the problem, I wanted to get into the control panel of the blog and do some backup and some updating, but when I try to signin, the login page behaves like the old blog entries: white contents. Some help? If the problem was very difficult, I increase the prize.

The address of the blog is in the attached image (I can not make it to write the address for reasons of internal regulations of our group.

There is also a phpinfo.php page, just type the address of the blog and then add the page in question. (

In your help I can tell you that from January I had entered an anti-spam plugin called: "Are you human?", But the blog worked well.

Answers (5)


Dbranes answers:

Some ideas:

1) Take backup of your database + files

2) You could try renaming the <em>/wp-content/plugin/</em> folder to <em>/wp-content/plugin_tmp/</em> to deactivate them all to see if it's a plugin problem

3) Also view your logs (php/apache) to see if there are any useful information there.

4) Try removing all themes except the default 2012, to see if it's a theme problem

5) Re install the Wordpress core files

mothernatur3s0n comments:

1) i making backup in this moment
2) i hope is this
3) where is the log located and wich information can help me?
4) how the blog can become instable instead without any motive?
5) what you mean exactly?

Dbranes comments:

<blockquote>3) where is the log located and wich information can help me?

If you have access to CPanel, then you most likely have access to them there.

<blockquote>4) how the blog can become instable instead without any motive?
5) what you mean exactly?

I have seen hacked sites showing this behaviour, i.e. problems with the wp-admin part because of code injection to some core files.
So re-installing the Wordpress files will fix that, but then you have a larger problem cleaning up ;-)

ps: This Codex page is helpful to activate the <em>debug.log</em> file:

mothernatur3s0n comments:

<blockquote>So re-installing the Wordpress files will fix that, but then you have a larger problem cleaning up ;-)</blockquote>

What do you mean? What other part of the blog i must clear? What happening if i re-install the entrare code?

Dbranes comments:

You can check this [[LINK href=""]]link[[/LINK]].

(So another things to check is the memory limit and possible empty lines in files like wp-config.php and functions.php)

It looks like you have no php errors (only notices).

Dbranes comments:

did it give any results deactivating the plugins or try out the default theme?

mothernatur3s0n comments:

<blockquote>(So another things to check is the memory limit and possible empty lines in files like wp-config.php and functions.php)</blockquote>

I tryed to edit the wpconfig file but the memory limit (actually to 32m) dont change if i put 64m. Maybe cause is VPS server and need to change from cpanel. I ask to change the memory limit to the technical support. We will see.

For the space line i wait the memory limit changment.

<blockquote>did it give any results deactivating the plugins or try out the default theme?</blockquote>

When i back to the work, if memory limits dont solve anything i try this option. In 9 hours from now.

mothernatur3s0n comments:

Last update. Now the memory limit is to 512M and the problem is not solved.

I try the other solution when i back to the work, in 9 hours from now. Thanks

mothernatur3s0n comments:

<blockquote>did it give any results deactivating the plugins or try out the default theme?</blockquote>
Just now i follow this your tips and follow the instruction at the link that you send me before. Is the plugin folder the problem. Now i must find the plugin that generated the problem.</strong>

Dbranes comments:

yes, you have re-activate the plugins one by one, to identify the problematic plugin.

I can see that your wp-admin is back to normal - that's great.

mothernatur3s0n comments:

<blockquote>yes, you have re-activate the plugins one by one, to identify the problematic plugin.

I can see that your wp-admin is back to normal - that's great.</blockquote>

Yes, but im curious to know why this happens. I dont touch the plugins and the blog from more weeks.

No one has updated the blog. The problem occurred suddenly and without any reason.

From what can be depended upon?

Now I have to exclude some plugins ...

Dbranes comments:

difficult to say, maybe something changed on your server.

(I can see that the php was updated Feb 8 2012)

you should try to find the problematic plugin and update the others.

mothernatur3s0n comments:

<blockquote> difficult to say, maybe something changed on your server.

(I can see that the php was updated Feb 8 2012)

you should try to find the problematic plugin and update the others.


Ok the problematic plugin was:

1. are-you-a-human
2. pdf24-post-to-pdf

Now i updated the WP versione from 3.5.0 to 3.5.1
Then i will update all the plugins.

I will keep the memory size limit to 512m, probably with this settings i can prevent some other problems in the future.

Thanks for all.


Clifford P answers:

Sorry to hear about your problems. I visited the home page and just got a white screen (aka the white screen of death). Check out this thread for some tips: (e.g. increase PHP memory limit or might be a database issue or deactivating all plugins)

Of course, before you do anything, take a backup if you can.

If you suspect it may be a database issue, you might want to reference

Good luck.

mothernatur3s0n comments:

Im not expert, i cant do anything of this your suggestion, i need one expert that do this for me.

Clifford P comments:

From me, you get pointed in the right direction for $10. Can't do it for you at that price. Look to someone else if you want it done for you. Good luck. Amazing you got 5 good replies within minutes at 6am my time. I'm sure with all that help you'll get it resolved as best as possible. I wish you the best.

mothernatur3s0n comments:

Im sorry for the delay of the answer but im in train now.

If is neessary, how i said in the question, i can increase the Prince. But i need solve the problem without losing any articles or without changing the theme.


Asad Iqbal answers:

Can you please send me cPanel/FTP info through pm? You can add me on skype: mdasadiqbal

mothernatur3s0n comments:

The blog is located in the folder "/ public_html", I'm doing a backup at this time but is very long. When i end the backup i will send you the info. Thanks for the support.

Asad Iqbal comments:

Please add me on skype and after backup please let me know on skype.

mothernatur3s0n comments:

I can add you but i cant send you the cpanel and ftp details because i dont know you.

Asad Iqbal comments:

Ok, no problem. But you've to trust someone to solve the issue.

mothernatur3s0n comments:

I will, maybe someone can tell me what to do and Follow me step by step?


Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner answers:

go to your ftp and rename the file .htaccess in .htaccess-save

mothernatur3s0n comments:

After the backup i will do this, thanks. Need like 1 hour to wait

mothernatur3s0n comments:

When i arrive in the hotel i will make this change.mwhat the result? What happens after this?

mothernatur3s0n comments:

<blockquote>go to your ftp and rename the file .htaccess in .htaccess-save</blockquote>

Doing what you told me to do, the blog becomes all white!!!!
I renamed the file.