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Trying to migrate a site with BackupBuddy in a httdocks folder WordPress

This is a GoDaddy windows server and having problems migrating with BackupBuddy.

"Error #224834. This directory is not write enabled. Please verify write permissions to continue."

All the permissions are enabled.

I'm able to upload folders and files with no problem. It's something with BackupBuddy I suspect.

Answers (6)


Hariprasad Vijayan answers:


Did you check permission of its parent directory? Is it writable?

I think it should be 755 for both directories. Try it with permission 777. Hope it will work.

Steve Benton comments:

The backup file and BackupBuddy.php uploads to the httdocks folder with no problem. It's when I try to restore is where the problem is.

Hariprasad Vijayan comments:

Check this thread

it explain another way to migrate


Arnav Joy answers:

please read this article and check if you have follow the steps mentioned there

Steve Benton comments:

Thanks yes I saw this earlier. I have been using BackupBuddy for over a year with no problems.


Balanean Corneliu answers:

You need to set permission this is the solution for this error. You can do this either from the cpanel or FTP. Simply locate that directory and right click on it, chmod or change permission to either 744 or 777 and then once you are done, set it back to the default for security purpose.

If you need more help with migration im free to help.

Good luck.


Sai kumar answers:


It might be the problem with the permission. You need to change the permission to 777. To change permission on godaddy windows server please refer : if you wish to.



Fahad Murtaza answers:

try duplicator plugin


akhilesh singh answers:

try to use this plugin it Enables you to back up your installation to restore to at any time, change the domain name in use and migrate your installation to another server.