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Transfering my site from godaddy to dreamhost hosting WordPress


I would like to transfer my site from GoDaddy to Dreamhost hosting plan.
The domain remains on GoDaddy.
The site is localized to Hebrew, text from right to left.


Answers (6)


Arnav Joy answers:

Hi Sharon ,

I would like to help you for this , let me know ,send me pm.


Francisco Javier Carazo Gil answers:


You have complete instructions here:

Francisco Javier Carazo Gil comments:

1. The first thing is dump database, you can export all content using phpMyAdmin.
2. Backup all FTP data, and upload to new server.
3. Import database dump to new server, with phpMyAdmin you can also do it.
4. Configure DNS in new server, and in your DNS service.
5. Don't forget change config values in wp_config.php.

If you want to change domain tell me and I will give you detailed instructions


Kiet Luong answers:

let me help you do it.

skype: [[LINK href=""]]kioluong[[/LINK]]


Abdelhadi Touil answers:

Hope this video tutorial help you:

[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

Good luck.


Asad Iqbal answers:

Localize site is not a problem. Send me pm if you think someone will do your work instead of doing by yourself.


Rowela Alzona answers:

1. Login to your go daddy account go to file manager and zip your files and download
2. Go to your dreamhost CPanel; Goto file manager and upload the zip file which you have downloaded from the past and unzip.
3. Download your Database / sqlDump from Godaddy using SQL Wizard
4. Upload the database to your new server ;

Ping me if you need help or any of these guys :)