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TinyMCE editor NOT saving on Macs WordPress


I have a weird issue someone might have had.

I have a custom theme with several TinyMCE editors built into the backend.

Several customers are reporting that they are NOT able to save entries made into the custom editors in the backend.

Personally, I don't see how this can happen, since it's webbased.

Anyone have this happen before or have any advice?

Apparently it's not just one specific field. It's primarily from those on a MAC computer.

Any ideas?

Answers (6)


Denzel Chia answers:

Hi Armand,

I don't think it is a MAC issue. Could be a plugin conflict with a popular plugin. Your theme has a lot of TinyMCE Editors, which means a lot of Javascript added in the admin. This could be a javascript conflict with a popular plugin.

Is it possible to get the admin access of one of your client that is having this problem, so that I can investigate it?

I think you still have my email address. You can email the admin credentials to me.



derekshirk answers:


• What version of WP are you running
• What plugins do you have installed
• Do your clients have JavaScript turned off in their browsers?
• Do you get any errors when you use a debugging tool like 'firebug'

Without knowing any of the information above, my first suggestion would be to switch back to the default theme and then re-activate your custom theme then clear your browser cache. That might work.


Jens Filipsson answers:

This is a long shot, but I had a similar issue with one of my themes once, and the problem was that the client had changed the name of the author in the style.css file. I'm not sure if he changed something else, but we made sure the original author and theme info was intact at the top of the file, and then it worked again.

Maybe worth a try?

// Jens.


Christianto answers:

Did you use built-in tinyMCE wordpress or have it set up manually?

If this isn't initialize by built in wp tinyMCE, please run trigger save method (tinyMCE) before the form is submitted. Below just for example of js with jQuery code...


Also Check you ID/name for any duplicate.

Hope this help


Just Me answers:

Ask them to check if it works using Google Chrome.


janmalagu answers:

I had experienced this before on windows. The problem on my case was the cookie getting reset before clicking the save causing my session timeout and gets logged out before hitting save/post/submit/ok button. But because the "keep me login is checked", the browser will auto login my session. Not knowing that I got logged out and logged back in. as a result, no changes were applied.

Try complete dump of cache files and reset cookies on the machine. Close browser and try not to use the keep me logged in check box just to check you are not getting logged out before saving the changes.

When everything goes back to normal, you can use the keep login thing again.