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Thesis 1.8 Sidebar Fix WordPress


When I attempt to add a text box to the sidebar widget, it disappears. I will drag it over, add the content and save it. Then, when I refresh the page the text box is nowhere to be found.

Any ideas on what's going on?

Answers (2)


Just Me answers:

what happens if you just add it, without text.

openstudy comments:

Same thing, the text box doesn't show up and then disappears from the list of widgets on the sidebar list.

Just Me comments:

Did you set an option somewhere you forgot about? dashboard - appearance - thesis options

openstudy comments:

Do you know what options would take away the box?

Just Me comments:

No, but I could if you give me temporary access to your admin panel. You can use the link in my profile to send a message. No need to increase the price.

Just Me comments:

Thanks for trusting me with a login to your admin panel. I am glad things worked out.


Denzel Chia answers:


I can login your blog to take a look, if you can raise your price to $30.
Please provide your login access to [email protected], if you agree to let me login and take a look.

We would not know what is going on, unless we have this thesis theme, but we don't, because it is a premium theme.


openstudy comments:

I can get you $20. Want the job?

Denzel Chia comments:


WordPress Sidebar Widgets is powered by jQuery. So most probably you added a plugin that is using jQuery but loads a wrong version and is causing the WordPress Admin to malfunction.

So try deactivating all your plugins, log out of WordPress Admin, clear your browser cache, close the browser, reopen browser and login to your WordPress admin and test the widgets again, to see if it works now.

It could also be a widget ID problem,
You can use this widgets reset plugin,
to reset all widgets ID and start over again.
<strong>Note: you will lose all your widget's data if you use this approach.</strong>

For your current situation, this is all I can come up with.
