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Table based price calculator in WooCommerce WordPress


Hi guys,

First off, I'd like people to bid on this if possible, I'm not offering $1 for it!

I'm trying to set up woocommerce to work as a 'print shop'.

In the most basic terms, what I'm looking for is to have a table based pricing structure for variable products, so the user selects product variations, woocommerce then calculates the price for 1 item, and then I'd then like to show the price for 50, 100, 200 etc quantities, in a table, rather than having to add it to the cart to see the price.

The other thing that could complicate it slightly is the fact I'm also using the dynamic pricing plugin from woo.

If the calculation that goes on in the checkout page could be replicated onto the product page for the different quantities, that would be ideal!

The attached file shows the kind of thing I'd like to achieve.

I can set all the products and variations up myself, but I'd just like to be able to display different quantities on the product page, with an 'add to cart' button next to them.

Hopefully this sort of explains it!

Answers (1)


Kyle answers:

Hi there, I can help you out here, it is actually much easier than it sounds. The simple way of explaining it, is that we are making multiple add to cart buttons, each with its own quantity input (some with a set amount, and then one open one). If you want to send me a PM we can chat about it more.
