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Switching category hierarchy order WordPress


So I've got content that is related both to countries and to topics.

Currently I have a countries custom taxonomy and topics as categories and permalinks set to


So, for example, browsing gives me a list of all beaches in all countries and browsing gives me a list of all hotels in all countries.

What I would like to happen is that browsing gives me a list of all beaches in Italy and browsing gives me a list of all hotels in Germany.

<em><strong>In additon</strong></em> I would like browsing to gives me a list of all beaches <em><strong>AND</strong></em> all hotels (and other topic) in Italy. Of course, I'd also like browsing to give me just Italian hotels.....:)

Clearly I don't want to have all topics as children of all countries or all countries as children of all topics.

It feels like there should be some way to rewrite, but I'm not sure of the best approach.

I'm after ideas or - better still - a full blown solution!



Answers (1)


Peter Michael answers:

Hey John, here's a good explanation how custom post type permalinks work: [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

Also make sure you read [[LINK href=""]]part 2[[/LINK]]

Might be helpful for your issue.

John Cotton comments:

Thanks Peter - it's a useful link and I shall read.