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Subscribe to Categories WordPress


Does anyone know of a plugin that allows a wordpress visitor to subscribe by email to specific categories?

Something very similar to the Subscribe2 plugin but one that provides a list of categories and lets the person checkmark which categories they want to subscribe to so they only receive emails for categories they check off?

if not, anyone able to do this?

Answers (2)


MDan answers:

I think this is what you looking for,it does a very good job for me.

Dan | gteh comments:

Looks good except for the following:

a) only supported up to 2.9.2 and Im running 3.1
b) only allows you to create 8 category rss feeds to subscribe to and I need it to pull from all available categories.

Dan | gteh comments:

decided to hire someone to modify subscribe2 to show category list at registration.

thanks for suggestion anyway


AdamGold answers: