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Submitting a form post data to anothwer wordpress page. WordPress


I have a simple form that I am trying to submit the data to another wordpress page. When you enter data into the form field, and submit, you then get a page not found. If you do not enter data in it brings up the form thank you page.

Website: [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

<form action="<?php echo ''; ?>" method="post">
<p><label>Your Name:</label>
<input name="name" type="text" size="25" /></p>
<input name="register" type="submit" value="Submit" />

When submitting the form it is putting the correct URL in the address bar, but wordpress displays page not found. If you put the URL in the address bar manually, the page gets displayed.

So I am thinking it has something to do with the permalinks?

Answers (2)


Utkarsh Kukreti answers:

You'll have to change the input name used from 'name' to something else. It is causing some problems with the query parsing.

69developer comments:

Yes that worked, changed it to 'myname' and it worked. How did you find that 'name' was causing some problems with the query parsing?

Utkarsh Kukreti comments:

'name' is a query variable. Check wp-includes/classes.php


Pau answers:

try using a different name to your textbox i think it will work