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Strange behaviour in Windows and Chrome WordPress


Hi Guys

I have a client site that looks fine on my mac using Chrome & Safari

However when you view it in Windows Chrome the header graphic changes to a text heading and tagline. Also in the back end when using some of the functionality for example the the menu drag and drop section is missing drop down arrows.

I'm assuming its all part of a conflict somewhere. I have tried deactivating all the plugins but the problem still persists.

Any ideas of other trouble shooting methods I can use please?

Many thanks

Answers (4)


zebra webdesigns answers:

Hello Steve

Please validate the css there are lot of errors in it

see the result

[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

zebra webdesigns comments:

The CSS is not missing but the CSS seems corrupted while migration

below are just a sample of code showing the mistake

<blockquote>.thread-even{background:# url(images/);}
.thread-odd{background:# url(images/);}
.footer-left{padding:px px px px !important;float:left;}
.footer-right{padding:px px px px !important;float:right;}
.footer-center{padding:px px px px !important;text-align:center;clear:both;}

zebra webdesigns comments:

Steve Please update the stylesheet from

to the dynamik theme once again. while doing it please backup the dynamik css in a local file.

You are good to go. as I mentioned earlier the css file is corrupt

Steve Watson comments:


that has fixed the main css I still have the original problem

I still have the problem with it not showing correctly on a Windows machine using Chrome, IE & Firefox!

No css edits are taking effect, for example the header is showing as text, there is no padding between content and sidebar

It looks fine on a Mac in all browsers

This is what it should look like -

And in the dashboard there are issues with css too, no dropdown arrows on the menu editor etc.

any ideas?

Steve Watson comments:


that has fixed the main css I still have the original problem

I still have the problem with it not showing correctly on a Windows machine using Chrome, IE & Firefox!

No css edits are taking effect, for example the header is showing as text, there is no padding between content and sidebar

It looks fine on a Mac in all browsers

This is what it should look like -

And in the dashboard there are issues with css too, no dropdown arrows on the menu editor etc.

any ideas?

zebra webdesigns comments:

Steve Can you please send the login details to my mail so that I can check for the issues.
In the mean time I will explore more for the problem

zebra webdesigns comments:

Steve for the sidebar please change the float:left as float:right;

#sidebar-1-wrap {
float: right;
width: 280px;

Steve Watson comments:

I have sent you a message with login etc.

Let me know if you have any questions


Arnav Joy answers:

it looks like attached image , is css missing ?

Steve Watson comments:

Hello Arnav

Ok I've fixed the css issue but I still have the problem with it not showing correctly on a Windows machine using Chrome, IE & Firefox!

No css edits are taking effect, for example the header is showing as text, there is no padding between content and sidebar

It looks fine on a Mac in all browsers

This is what it should look like -

And in the dashboard there are issues with css too, no dropdown arrows on the menu editor etc.

any ideas?


Balanean Corneliu answers:

Arnav tell you the true i have tested to and you have css missing , i think you see everything perfect because you have the css code in temporary file in your PC.
Something is wrong with your css, or is missing or is not called right and have the effect like a broken one.

Balanean Corneliu comments:

You are useing the css from another location:
but your theme is
Theme Name: Dynamik
Theme URI:
Description: Dynamik is a Catalyst Child Theme providing hundreds of design controls, plus the ability to export your designs as Catalyst Child Themes.
Author: The Catalyst Team
Author URI:
Template: catalyst
Version: 1.1
@import url("../catalyst/style.css");

Something is not ok with your code from catalyst folder, or the import is working bad.


Hariprasad Vijayan answers:

Hi Steve,

Check you css.

When i check it in source, few attributes doesn't have a specific value. It showing like,

#content .post, #content article {
background:# url(images/);
border-top:px #;
border-bottom:px #;
border-left:px #;
border-right:px #;
margin:px 0 px 0;
padding:px px px px;
#content .page {
background:# url(images/);
border-top:px #;
border-bottom:px #;
border-left:px #;
border-right:px #;
margin:px 0 px 0;
padding:px px px px;

Check the padding,background... in above code. Is it correct in your css file. Just check it. I think that might be the reason.