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Still not getting answer...! WordPress


I have this original category called "Vehicles"
and I made bunch of parent/top categories "Makes" and set subcategories under it.
however, when I click the parent/top categories(Makes) it skips the subcategories and shows
all the cars registered under the "Makes".

What I want to achieve is that when I click the top/parent categories, I want it to show list of
subcategories with photos and descriptions.

Now, it's listed as shown below.
Home >>> makes >>> cars
I want to make it as shown below.
Home >>> makes >>> models >>> cars

you can see the results at my site go to
Its under the "Manufacturers List".

I will provide information if needed.

Any help is appreciated.


Answers (6)


Manoj Raj answers:

Hi Jun,

I will try to update you with the answer as earlier as possible... Or some one can do it for you within that time...


Sabby Sam answers:

If you give us the admin details then we can do this work easily and kindly add us on skype sabirtiger or gmail [email protected].

But remember that Wpquestion is not responsible for this.

You need to give the admin access then only your job will done easily. Basically we need to see your theme code and then only we can make the changes as per your design.

I hope you can understand this.

Sabby Sam comments:


For thumbnail you can go here :

you can adjust whatever size you want,

and you can fetch the description like that

$content = substr(trim(strip_tags($post->content)), 0 , 40);



Dbranes answers:

Without seeing any code samples, mabye you could take a look at these plugins to add pictures to categories:

[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]


Arnav Joy answers:

for the image in category you can use following plugin

and to display it you can use following function get_cat_icon() more info about it can be seen here:-


hceforchtwalla answers:

La lunga Liebo T -shirt


wbuywatch answers:

Landers Lesndes verano al aire libre a prueba de agua ultra-delg - €28.38 :