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Steps requred to create a wordpress theme WordPress


I require you assistance in outlining the requirements for creating a wordpress theme based off an existing html template. I'm planning to find a developer (elance, or perhaps here!) to do the work for me, but I dont want to find that they have missed any important steps or do a quick job that isn't complete. Having this will help me be clear on the pricing about what's involved and know what I'm getting.

Below are just a few quick thoughts from the top of my head about what might be involved, I welcome your additions! It only needs to be very high level, but I would love as many wordpress features / suggestions as possible.

A demo of the html theme is here -

Create child theme off twentytwelve
- Page Title
Single Page Template
- Title
- Breadcrumbs (not using existing plugin, from function)
- Page Content from the_content
Archive Page Template
Front Page Template
Right Widget Area

Answers (6)


Arnav Joy answers:

there are several articles found in net for it , you can have a look here

type "create wordpress themes from scratch" in google and you will get many articles

npeplow comments:

Thanks for the links, but I am after a list of requirements


Fahad Murtaza answers:


Basically, the HTML design would be split onto header, footer, sidebar(s) and the content pages.

[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

The complete list of files usually needed in a Wordpress theme is as above.

I won't suggest doing it as a child theme though. The HTML/CSS design is already there and requirements seem to be pretty basic.

npeplow comments:

Thanks for the links, but I am after a list of requirements

npeplow comments:

Thanks for the links, but I am after a list of requirements


Abdelhadi Touil answers:

I think you should ask for a theme with options panel, and responsive (means compatible with all screens).

You can find very important and helpful points in this post:

[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

Also this is a very useful tutorials serie:

[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

Good luck.


Navjot Singh answers:

That depends on what you need. You can ask for support for post formats/custom post types depending on your needs.

Some other features you might want are
Included Sharing buttons
A Gallery page if you need one
Different page templates depending on your needs like full width/multiple sidebars
You might need to specify how many widget areas are you looking for.
Also you should specify how many menus you need. Header/footer or both.

Also you can ask them to stick to WordPress Coding standards. A list of which you can find here: This is a exhaustive list and it might be difficult or time consuming to adhere to it all. But basically just ask them to stick to best practices.

Ask them to comment the stylesheet properly so you can edit it as required afterwards. Same goes for code.

These are few of the requirements you should include when hiring a theme designer/developer.


Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner answers:

Below are just a few quick thoughts from the top of my head about what might be replied to your question :

The work is not complete if the site is
-not in HTML5 (doctype + use of elements like article, section, header etc...)
-images are not optimized
-the code used only DIV and no semantic HTML elements (h1 -> h6, p etc...)

The work is not good if :
-you can not manage yourself your menu items via appearence > menu
-you can not manage yourself your sidebar items via appearence > widget
-there is no research form
-there is no page for results research
-there is no 404 page (test if this page existe with this url : (replace by your domain name)

at the end of the work, use the w3c validator !


Nirmal answers:

-- Get the design done from a designer who will provide some design a layred PSD file.
-- Slice all the images and required elements from the psd through Photoshop.
-- Create HTML out of it. Use proper syntax of HTML5/Bootsrap etc. if you want your theme be made responsive.
-- Choose a good starter theme. There are a lot. Its best to go for a starter theme and build on top of it rather then creating it from scratch.
-- During the development keep the WP_DEBUG on and check your theme with Theme Check plugin.
-- Apply the CSS, HTML into the bare starter theme and you are good to go.