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Sorry, no posts matched your criteria - database problem? WordPress


Hi all,

The main page and the archive and category pages of our website ( are working fine but all the individual pages and posts are not. Where the content should be they are just showing:

"Sorry, no posts matched your criteria."

Can anyone help get our website up and running again? I assume it is a problem with the database not being able to find the info it needs - but then again, I'm no expert.

I am wondering if it is related to the BBPress forum that I installed on the same database, at about the same time as things went wrong - That is not working either with posts not showing a date or user info.

I got our host to restore the database using a backup of the database from early last week, but it has not fixed the problem.

Answers (4)


Nathan Parikh answers:

Hey Stephen,

If you could PM me access to your admin or FTP server I would be happy to take a look and see if I can find the problem for you.

Stephen Day comments:

Thanks Nathan, I've sent you those details.

Nathan Parikh comments:

Fixed it Stephen, the issue was actually pretty simple.

Under General Settings I simply changed both your WP and Blog address to and it's working!

Hope that helps!

Stephen Day comments:

Is it fixed? I still can't see any of the missing psots and pages. Am I doing something wrong? - I've refreshed the browser.

Nathan Parikh comments:

Also, just FYI, using the /%postname%/ in your permalinks doesn't work on your server by default because your server is running on Windows.


Utkarsh Kukreti answers:

Could you PM me the login info for the site? I'll have a look.

Stephen Day comments:

Thanks Utkarsh, I've sent you those details.


Milan Petrovic answers:

It happens sometimes that WordPress 'forgets' rewrite rules used for permalinks, and that can cause such problem (or maybe rules are invalid). Try to save only permalinks settings (Settings->Permalink) again.

Stephen Day comments:

Thanks Milan, I've tried this several times over the last week, but to no avail.


Pradipta Sinha answers:

login into wp-admin
and change the permalink ,

Go to :

and change the permalink , see the image if u dont know how to do this.
Click Custom Structure in common settings,and set /%postname%/ there.

I think this should fix your issue