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Something is making the code invalid... WordPress


I'm using the nettuts options panel: [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

The code has a flaw... when I paste my Google Analytics code into the Google Analytics box it creates in the options panel I get this error...

<strong>Error Line 21, Column 14: an attribute value must be a literal unless it contains only name characters

<script type=\"text/javascript\"></strong>

For some reason an extra "\" is being added to the code I paste in.

Source code for the options panel: [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

In my functions....

array( "name" => "Google Analytics Code",
"desc" => "You can paste your Google Analytics or other tracking code in this box. This will be automatically added to the header to track your stats.",
"id" => $shortname."_ga_code",
"type" => "textarea",
"std" => ""),

$var = get_option('to_ga_code');

Calling the code:
<?php echo get_option('to_ga_code'); ?>

<strong>The important question: What can I change to make sure when I paste the Google Analytics code into my options panel box it validates. Give me a fix through functions.php.</strong>

Answers (1)


Christianto answers:


you can use stripslashes function.
<?php echo stripslashes(get_option('to_ga_code')); ?>

Christianto comments:

Did it happen only when you add <script> tag?
Did your magic magic_quotes_gpc on your php setting turn on?

you can disable magic_quotes_gpc if you don't want to use stripslashes().