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Solve some issues with Woothemes Estate Theme WordPress


Hi, I would like to engage a professional who is well versed in woothemes and in Estate theme. I am currently filling in the contents and realised that the "featured Property" is unable to click left or right. Secondly, once you enter the "single property page", I can't click on rest of the photos in the gallery. Clicking will bring me back to the top of the page.

Please see and you should get what i mean.
Hope to have someone solve this problem quick. I will provide credentials for you to go into wp.

Answers (2)


Christianto answers:

Hi Kristen,

Did you edited one of your javascript file?
I check that loopedSlider.js slightly different with original script on wootheme

Please try this,
on your loopedSlider.js file ( wp-content/themes/estate/includes/js/loopedSlider.js )
on line 164 (approx.) inside current(t) function

Change this line:

jQuery(pagination+'[rel="' + (t) + '"]',obj).parent().addClass('active');


jQuery('[rel="' + (t) + '"]',obj).parent().addClass('active');

we remove <em>var pagination</em> inside jQuery selector leaving only rel atrribute selector..

kristen comments:

Thanks for the help. Single Property Page has been solved but the homepage where there is a Featured Property slider doesn't work still. Once clicked, it will return to the top of the mainpage. Please help.

kristen comments:

HI Cristianto,

All is well now. Both sides are working fine. How do i give you the money?

kristen comments:

Thanks buddy. Will definitely invite you for a beer if Im in your country. Keep in touch! [email protected].

kristen comments:

Sorry, one quick Question.. Google maps is not working in estate theme. It return error that its google map api is not compatible with v3. However only google maps v3 api is available now as google retired v2. Hence I am unable to call the API into my theme, rendering my map function useless... Do you have a way around this?


Arnav Joy answers:

at single page you have jquery problem , check it

kristen comments:

What is wrong with the jquery?