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Solution for Matching Business People with Funding Sources WordPress


I need to find out if there is a way to find your team of other men and women that want to get involved in a startup with funding, mentoring or providing other services. The user would enter information into a form on a wp site and add criteria related to their needs. They would search for entrepreneurs, funding sources, and service providers. They could also have checkboxes based on certain criteria. Startups list their requirements and individuals list their skill set and what they are looking for. The user then sees people that match their criteria/needs.

Once the results are displayed it would be helpful to have filters on the results based on location, skills, etc. If possible this would be dynamic and the check boxes would help narrow or filter the results (similar to how travel sites work).

Do know of a wordpress plugin that can work like this or have any ideas on how this can be handled? Would this need to be a custom solution, or is there anything out there that can have this functionality.

Answers (5)


Lucas Wynne answers:

Although this would need a developer you could try to do it yourself with the [[LINK href=""]]WooThemes Listings theme[[/LINK]] by customizing it to match your needs, but I don't know how comfortable you are with WordPress.

An easy but less complete way to do this would be use a form plugin like [[LINK href=""]]Gravity Forms[[/LINK]] and use tags/categories to separate out certain criteria. For example, investors must add "investors" as a tag to a post featuring their offerings, you can then call up all the investors by searching for the tag like this: - but I wouldn't personally suggest this, as you'll run into problems in the future with it.


Chris Lee answers:

Sounds like you may need to hire a web developer. I don't think you're going to be able to find a plugin for that.


Oleg Butuzov answers:

Chris right...

at basic model in WP its can be realized with come custom post type + multiple taxonomy select... but obiosly - its can be done only by developer.


Denzel Chia answers:


Do know of a wordpress plugin that can work like this or have any ideas on how this can be handled? Would this need to be a custom solution, or is there anything out there that can have this functionality.

Never heard of this before. You will need a custom solution.

However, you can use a good contact form plugin, such as gravity forms to collect your data and post it on your site. See the features of this plugin

As for the search features, you will need to hire a developer to program it for you.



AdamGold answers:

With some customization, I think this is the kind of plugin you need: