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Social icons not appear on pages WordPress


On my homepage, my social networks appear on the top of my page, but when you click on another page they disappear. Why is that happening?

Answers (3)


Ryan Riatno answers:

You should place the social network in "header.php" not in page/content if you want to be displayed on every page. Or you can put it in "sidebar.php".

ddoodnath comments:

oh k. Yes it is in the index page. I will move it to the sidebar.

ddoodnath comments:

thanks..moving it to the header.php worked!


Kannan Sanjeevan answers:

Can i have a look at the source code of <strong>index.php</strong> , <strong>page.php</strong>


Eva answers:

do you added it with a plugin, or edited the themeĀ“s php files? It looks like you added it only to the index.php.
try to add it to page.php, single.php, archives.php