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Slow site WordPress



The loading speed of my site is very low.

Theme: Autofocus+
Host: Just host

Please advise on increasing the speed of the site. If the fix would be to change any code, this will be part of the job.


Thanks for all the responses! Be aware that I need someone changing the code for me. So please state if you can actually make the change to the code.

Answers (6)


Rashad Aliyev answers:


If your problem still not solved I can do it for you..


Chris Bavota answers:

I just wrote a post about speeding up your WordPress blog. You should check it out as it will probably help you improve your site speed.

[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]


Vidyut Kale answers:

Whoa!!!! That is reeeeally slow.

Some things that come to mind:

These files are linked on your site, but don't exist. Wastes a lot of time trying to download them. Either remove links or upload files. Looks like some coding issue, since the files look like they could be associated with a theme, but are being searched for in the root.

There are loads of javascripts - many in the head. Put them in the foot, get W3TC (below) to combine and minify them while its handling the cache thing anyway.

Use a cache plugin - W3Total Cache will work miracles if you use it right.

Use a CDN. Don't pay for one, create a Google appengine account and run one there ;) <--- this will really help.

Set the W3TC to mirror, substitute your application url for the site url for the CDn files, and you are set.

BTW, set your links so that they point to the non-www version of your site. The link you shared? It was: It first redirected to and then finally Might as well link to the correct version.

By the time you do this, if in the unlikely case you still find your site slow, gimme more money, and I'll wade through things to see how it can fly.

If you want me to troubleshoot the code AND speed up the site AND set up the cdn thingy... I would need to be paid more - more like $50


Gabriel Reguly answers:

Do you guys know about this tool?

[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]


Victor Teixeira answers:

You are calling lots of external javascript files. You should not need if you are already using google analytics.

Also widget.over.js is not loading at all. It keeps trying to load this file for more then a minute. I think this is the real culprit.

You have lots of tracking pixels...

You should not need all those js files, really.

First you should fix the errors and disable the js files that are not needed. Then go for a cache or cdn solution.


Denzel Chia answers:


Taken a look at your site's source code.
I see that you did not install any type of cache plugin.

Please consider installing wp super cache
This is an excellent cache plugin written by one of WordPress's Employee, you can be assured that it is always updated and compatible with WordPress Versions.

This plugin will reduce your database queries to less than a second or one second plus.
Which will greatly increase the loading speed of your site.

For your information, a cache plugin is a plugin that makes a static copy of your site and delivers to your audiences instead of always getting data from database. This will greatly increase speed of site. Just remember to clear your cache if you make any changes to the site, so that it gets updated in the cache copies.

I am using it for all my clients.
