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Slow Wordpress Site, what can i do? WordPress


I have a slow Wordpress site that I would like optimised and or an explanation on how to speed it up.

Answers (5)


Rashad Aliyev answers:

Please contact with me.

Rashad Aliyev comments:

<strong><em>Mission Completed!</em></strong>


Oleg Butuzov answers:

hm. guys... why both you not use scriptlance , getafrelancer or odesk?


Stephen Lang answers:

There are many ways that you can speed up a WordPress website, the best way is for a web developer to take an individual approach to your particular site. There are some generic tips however that may help you:

You could try reducing the number of widgets in your sidebar(s). Especially widgets that use data from external websites (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, The Weather Channel).

You could try to avoid posting videos/slideshows or any other 'embed' code into your posts/pages. If your homepage has a lot of embedded objects then the web browser has to make many different requests to a variety of websites across the internet, as opposed to just downloading data from your web server. Each external request may slow down the loading time of your website.

You could also try a caching system, there are many available WordPress plugins for this. One that I use is WP Super Cache, which can be very effective:

Other optimisations such as GZIP compression, markup and script minification,
image optimisation and DNS lookup reduction would need to be carried out by an experienced web developer.

If you would like someone to carry out this work for you (or to help you further), please contact me from my website:


Navjot Singh answers:

There are lots of ways to optimize a blog for speed. You can read this post for some helpful tips: which I wrote.


West Coast Design Co. answers:

Hello Steve,

<strong>I specialize in optimizing Wordpress based websites!</strong>

First, I recommend backing up your entire installation and database through your web hosting control panel.

If your website has some downtime I recommend switching your template back to any of the defaults, logout and test the websites performance.

If the difference is quite noticeable then you will note your theme is the cause of your issue.
Turn off each plug-in while testing the performance, some plugging such as sliders and light box’s load scripts in the header on every page … any plug-in or a combination of plug-ins can easily cause performance issues.

Steve, I recommend editing your theme and removing both unnecessary lines of HTML and CSS.

Last but not lest, when Wordpress 3.0 launched I believe it came with a great little caching applications called WP Super Catch, that’s great but an even better one is called <strong>W3 Total Cache</strong> : [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]] not only will it cache your entire site with a little configuration you can automatically compress all of the template files!

Now for a little over kill, I highly recommend implementing CDN’S (Content Delivery Networks) this allows you to host your Images, CSS and JS files on hundred of servers throughout the world … visitor loads the server closest to there location, sounds complex however W3 Total catch offers an easy way to connect to such services. Checkout <strong>MaxCDN</strong> : [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

<strong>PM me if you have questions, I hope this helps!</strong>