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Slight adjustment needed for my wordpress theme WordPress



I have the Sahifa - Responsive WordPress News,Magazine,Blog theme from themeforst.

Can someone please help me with this theme? I’m looking to have the home page as a complete white canvas meaning I need to remove the word “Home” that sits on the home page and also the grey divider line that's underneath the word 'Home' I only want to do this for the home page and not all of the pages.

I have attached a screen grab of the page so you can see what I need doing.

Thank you in advanced.

Answers (3)


Giri answers:

I think I misunderstood your question. I thought you were talking about menus

Goto wp-admin -> sahifa -> sahifa settings -> styling -> global css -> paste following code

Here is the correct code

.home .entry-title,.home .post-meta {
display:none !important;

Giri comments:

To hide home icon on home page use this code

.home li#menu-item-148 {
display:none !important;

Giri comments:

So the total code will be

.home #main-nav {
border-bottom: none !important;
.home li#menu-item-148 {
display:none !important;

Giri comments:

I think I misunderstood your question. I thought you were talking about menus

Goto wp-admin -> sahifa -> sahifa settings -> styling -> global css -> paste following code

Here is the correct code
.home .entry-title,.home .post-meta {
display:none !important;

randrade comments:

Hi Giri

Thanks for all your help, your line of code has done the trick. Thanks again and the payment is yours.


Giri comments:

Thanks rob,

You should vote my answer to give me the prize. I think you are a newbie here. So check this tutorial

[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]


Albert Shala answers:

Hi randrade,

I don't see the attachment, can you upload it again or post a link.

randrade comments:

Hi Albert,

Here is the link to the website

Many thanks


Albert Shala comments:

Alright I see what you mean, for that you will need to remove a call to the page title on the home template, easy fix pm your template or a screenshot of it and I can tell you what line number to edit.

Basically you need to remove: <h1 itemprop="name" class="name post-title entry-title">Home</h1> & <p class="post-meta"></p>

randrade comments:

Thanks for all you help Albert but Giri has sorted it with the line of code he supplied in his post. Thanks again!


Hariprasad Vijayan answers:


Can you show the code in index.php of your theme.

Hariprasad Vijayan comments:


Add this code in header.php

<style type="text/css">
.post-inner .post-title,.post-inner .post-meta {
display:none !important;