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Slideshow modification WordPress

I'm having this theme [[LINK href=""]](Daisho)[[/LINK]] and need the homepage slider look and work like this [[LINK href=""]](konzept)[[/LINK]] The dev send me this answer:

=== Featured slideshow ===
If you copy Konzept's featured slideshow to Daisho with all its components (which would be hard to do unfortunately) then it's going to be fullscreen. I would recommend to use some other, third party plugin to have welcome "featured slideshow" for Daisho.

What you see here: is exactly the same slideshow as here: but style has changed.

=== Other aspects ===
Both themes share SuperSlide Editor and both generate shortcode that is used by slides.php. Konzept will make images fullscreen and Daisho will make them 1120px - it's just display difference but technical back-end is the same.

So, Daisho won't display anything fullscreen but Konzept will. You can switch between Daisho and Konzept and I think that all projects will switch seamlessly, too but I haven't tested that, yet :)

Answers (1)


Arnav Joy answers:

from the developer answer if both the slider are same then there may be any setting in backend or in js that lets you define width of the slider or make it as full screen so find out if there is such option available .

spiliog comments:

Can i send you the files to have a look?