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Slider issue, possible java error WordPress


Hi There,

I am using a theme I have used many times before. However I am trying to add an image slider and cannot seem to get it working. It usually works fine!

Could someone please have a quick look....

The url is in the image attached.

Many Thanks

Answers (3)


Arnav Joy answers:

i checked the url and page shows only logo no content


Marko Nikolic answers:

It's hard to say this way, but you should check if there is a jQuery conflict somewhere in your theme.

You can try with using "jQuery" instead "$" sign. I also suggest you to use jQuery. noConflict();

Also, you should implement jQuery the right way (from functions.php), so there shouldn't be any conflicts.



Christianto answers:


The flexislider script in your site targeted a slider with id="slider"
pic = $("#slider").children("img");

You should change the slider html structure (id) from id="rotator" to id="slider"
<div<strong> id="rotator"</strong>>
<img src="wp-content/uploads/2012/10/slide-1.jpg" width="750" height="321" class="20121022154905" alt="">
<img src="wp-content/uploads/2012/10/slide-2.jpg" width="750" height="321" class="20121022154910" alt="">

Or you can change the selector in jquery.flexislider.js file

around line 17 find this code
pic = $("#slider").children("img");
change to
pic = $("#rotator").children("img");

Also please make sure that the wrapper is set to position relative, and the image set to position absolute
#rotator {position: relative; overflow: hidden;}
#rotator img {position:absolute; margin:0;display:none;}

optionally you can add loader image:
<div<strong> id="rotator"</strong>>
<div id="imageloader" style="display: none; ">
<img src="images/ajax-loader.gif">
<img src="/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/slide-1.jpg" width="750" height="321" class="20121022154905" alt="">
<img src="/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/slide-2.jpg" width="750" height="321" class="20121022154910" alt="">

please check the slider homepage to check html/css
[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

jimspankling comments:

We don't want to use the Flexi Slider.

We are using WP-Cycle <?php wp_cycle(); ?>.

The Rotator DIV ID is set to "rotator" through the plugin.

I troubleshooted before by deleting the jquery.flexislider.js file.

Does this make sense?

Christianto comments:

I'm not seeing other slider plugin except the jquery.flexislider.js
have you already activate or include it?

I only saw javascript.js, jquery.min.js, jquery.flexislider.js, page_context.js on your site.