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Slider for Featured articles WordPress


I used to have a great slider on my website, but unfortunately it conflicts with my email grabber in the sidebar and is now kaput. We would like something simple and clean that has adjustable sliding times and is a 650 x 290 <div> so if we would like we could have multiple pictures and articles featured similar to

We would also like the slider to be able to be edited without having to edit the index.php file. I have many authors who work on the site, but I am the only one who is comfortable editing html or php and cannot afford one of them to mess up the file or site.

Much thanks once again WP Questions family!

Answers (3)


Baki Goxhaj answers:

I can work on it too. Do you like this one: Everything will be automatic, even the photo thing - no custom fields. The easies approach possible.


Geet Purwar answers:

I can start working on it now.


Espreson Media answers:

I can implement styled multiple pictures and articles using jFlow Plugin..