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Simple Custom Post Type Widget WordPress


Please can someone help me create a simple Custom Post Type widget that extends the WP_Widget class. I think what I am basically looking for is a much simplified version of [[LINK href=""]]this plugin[[/LINK]] with the code able to be dropped into my functions.php file

The output of the widget should simply show the title and contents of a selected "Accolades" custom post type.

The widget form should consist of a single dropdown select field that enables the user to select the title of their desired Accolade custom post type.

The user should be able to create Multiple CPT widgets and the form metabox title should be dynamic e.g. Accolade: <CPT title>

<em>NB: There is no need to generate the Accolade CPT - this has already been done.</em>

Many thanks

Answers (2)


Kailey Lampert answers:

I'm happy to whip up a widget for you. Any particular markup around the CPT's title and content?

designbuildtest comments:

Hi Kailey, no particular preferences around mark-up - thanks.

Kailey Lampert comments:

Okay, I've attached a screenshot of the widget. Let me know if that looks good and I'll send you the code.