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Show list of 10 tags from currently most viewed posts WordPress

I'd like to display, in a widget or elsewhere, ten tags from the last 24 hours' most viewed posts. I guess it's a rudimentary trending topics list.

The progress I've made so far involves the Popular Posts plugin - - outputting nothing more than the tags from the most viewed ten stories. It works alright, but if stories have more than one tag then the list is more than ten items. So, if one of the ten stories has two tags, the list is 11 items.

Is there a way of limiting how many tags are displayed (to ten - even if that means just showing tag from the one most popular post if it's tagged with ten different things) - or is there are completely different way of going about this, bypassing the plugin all together?

Answers (2)


Peter Michael answers:

How does your current query look like?

Peter Michael comments:

You might also try this: [[LINK href=""]]Most Popular Tags[[/LINK]]


Oleg Butuzov answers:

[email protected]

can help if you provide access to your current structure (popular posts table)