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Shortcode not working when multiple instances appear on page WordPress


Note - 2011-11-07 17:32:52 - I've just found that this is a Wordpress bug, not an issue with my shortcode—so never mind; I've requested a refund.

I have a custom shortcode that wraps its parameters (or its wrapped content) in a div, like this:

[fig label="My Image" url=""]

or, if I want to wrap a table instead of an image,

[fig label="My table"]
<table><tr><td>This is my table </td></tr></table>

I've never had trouble with this until today, when I attempted to use multiple wrapped and unwrapped instances on the same page. This causes some figures to disappear, or for a bunch of the entry content to become wrapped in the wrapper. This was not fixed by adding closing [/fig] tags to the non-wrapping shortcodes. What's wrong with my code?
<script src=""> </script>

Answers (2)


Luis Cordova answers:

the wrapper seems to find an uncommon or unforeseen use case

I would need to look at the content code from where you call multiple times this wrapper shortcode

private message me if need be


web559 comments:

Hey, thanks for your help, but just after posting I found that this is a Wordpress bug, not an issue with my shortcode code. See


Julio Potier answers:


what about the CSS ? Can we see it ?

Thank you !

web559 comments:

Thanks for your help Julio, but just after posting I found that this is a Wordpress bug, not an issue with my shortcode code. See