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Shopp plug-in cart not working ... WordPress


Hello there.
I am getting ready to launch a new web site at:

The problem is the Shopp plug in shopping cart is currently
loading a blank page ... I have been digging around the documentation
for awhile and still have no idea how to get our e-commerce solution up and running
so we can launch this site ...

Anyone experienced with the WP Shopp plug-in?
Please contact me and I will provide you access to the wp admin side
if needed ... thanks!

Answers (2)


Oleg Butuzov answers:

how can i help you? =)

Oleg Butuzov comments:

2Lew - there is some fatal error witch killing the script.

Mark Garretson comments:

Can you trouble shoot this from the WP admin side?
Emailing you a log-in psswd ...

Oleg Butuzov comments:

hm. no.

i will need to debug shortcode [cart], require to edit - cart plugin, and wp-config.

this error can't be removed only by editing cart page. of course i can remove shortcode and it will work, but cart wound work. i need ftp for the debuging.

Oleg Butuzov comments:



Lew Ayotte answers:

I've never used that plugin before, but it's not blank for me (FireFox 3.6) screenshot attached.

Mark Garretson comments:

Products are posting fine - it's the shopping cart that is the problem ...