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Shopp API Integration with Quickbooks Enterprise Edition WordPress

My understanding is that based on the shopp plugin features, a user can export orders out of shopp/wordpress and then import them into quickbooks. My client wants to eliminate that human step and use an API or some means to automatically bring orders into quickbooks. They are using Enterprise Edition on a PC.

Has any developer done this and if so, can you contact me with a quote to have this implemented?

Thanks for looking!

Answers (1)


Kristin Falkner answers:

I don't know if you're completely tied to Shopp, but there is this:

That works with WP e-Commerce. If you are tied to Shopp (I actually prefer that to WP e-Commerce myself), I believe that same service can hook into the payment gateway ( or PayPal) and go from there. I'm sure their support could answer more specific questions.

You may be looking for a more custom solution, but I just thought I'd share the link as it may be worth looking into. Good luck :)