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Sharing a menu between two WordPress installs. WordPress


I have my main website running on WordPress in the root directory but I also have another WordPress install running a classifieds theme in a sub-directory (/classifieds).

What I want to do is use the menu from the main site on the classifieds site. Essentially taking the code from the main site, and displaying it in the classifieds area, using a php include, or whatever it takes. I'm not sure if this will even work, as the WP menu code would have to be executed first before it would display the requested menu. I'm using the new WP 3.0 menu system on the main site.

If this is possible, and someone has a fix, I can increase the prize money for an actual fix. I'm hoping someone can at least send me in the right direction for this $4 question.


Answers (3)


Nile Flores answers:

In WordPress 3.0 and the menus, you can put the menu together using the links from the other install if that is what you want. You just add a new Custom link.


Pippin Williamson answers:

This might get you what you need:


West Coast Design Co. answers:

Hi Mike,

<strong>If you cannot find a simple fix</strong>, I recommend installing Wordpress MS, formally known as MU.

Setup each site as a sub domain, then DNS fix for a proper domain setup.

From there, I am sure you can easily query between projects.


Source: [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]