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Set Temp variable to use at Checkout WordPress

How do I set a Temporary variable with a click?

Upon login I'm opening a Page with 2 links (using form action)

<form action="" method="post" name="ordertype"><input name="ordertype" type="submit" value="local_pickup" /></form>

There is another link with value set to local_pickup

This allows me to set ordertype variable. But obviously unfortunately its lost on page refresh.

Now, I can set this to a temp variable using $ordertype=$_POST["ordertype"];

I've placed it in a Filter which displays the logged in used but I think that filer is called every page load !

//Display Loggedin User
add_filter( 'wp_nav_menu_items', 'my_custom_menu_item');
function my_custom_menu_item($items){
if ((empty($ordertype)) { // only assign is $ordertype is empty!

<strong>Where can I do this so its only once so $ordertype remains set?</strong>

[For some reason even with checking for "empty" $ordertype is being reset
if ((empty($ordertype)) { // only assign is $ordertype is empty!
} ]

Then before checkout filter, I want to <strong>set the Chosen Shipping method</strong>

add_action( 'woocommerce_before_checkout_shipping_form', 'before_shipping');
function before_shipping( $checkout ) {
WC()->session->set( 'chosen_shipping_methods', array($ordertype) );

Answers (1)


Rempty answers:

Use a session variable, now you dont need to reasign each time.


bas mistry comments:


Actually, I already tried that first.
It kept clearing every time I changed the page or pressed next (as in next shop page)

I read some posts about $_SESSION and Caching plugins (originally site was with WPEngine but I had to work with their setup so I move the site to another host)

So I tried $_POST and assign that to $ordertype as per my original post

Ok, so now I have:

//Display Loggedin User
add_filter( 'wp_nav_menu_items', 'my_custom_menu_item');
function my_custom_menu_item($items){
if ((empty($ordertype)) {

I'm assuming this is where I need to put the code

(I kept the $_POST stuff too)

I can display both but as soon as I change the page - its gone !

Maybe the filter is causing the problem because its being called more than one?

Rempty comments:

you must not use $ordertype, now is $_SESSION['ordertype].

Rempty comments:

Try this

if(isset($_POST['ordertype']){ //Asign only when you send your form

bas mistry comments:

No, still the same. (corrected a couple of typos)

I can add a product to cart ... fine since its using Ajax
goto bottom of page & select the next page & its cleared again !

This is what I have now..



if(isset($_POST['ordertype'])) { //Asign only when you send your form




Rempty comments:

OK i installed a wp + wc and made some tests.

<form action="/test/shop/" method="post" name="ordertype"><input name="ordertype" type="submit" value="local_pickup" /></form>

And in the functions.php not in the filter


bas mistry comments:

Ok tried that ..

the code was inside a filter which displays the logged in user name

I moved it out of there so the code above is on its own (not inside a filter)

Dosen't work - the print_r($_SESSION['ordertype']); causes error 500 (white screen)

change it to

//Set Session
echo "<span class='test'><p>$ordertype</p></span>";

I can see the Session variable is set but when I goto checkout the Delivery is set to the Default ie. not updated from session.

I tied adding $ordertype to the above and display next to username in menu with
$items .= '<li><a href=""><strong><font color="white">Order Type:'.$ordertype.'</font></strong></a></li>';
$items .= '<li><a href=""><strong><font color="white">Chosen:'.$_SESSION['ordertype'].'</font></strong></a></li>';

both are set initially after from submits but BOTH are empty when page changes

Rempty comments:

Is a iis server? Can you test on apache?

Rempty comments:

Maybe adding session_start() can help


I test this code and is working (localhost apache).

add_action( 'woocommerce_before_checkout_shipping_form', 'before_shipping');
function before_shipping( $checkout ) {
WC()->session->set( 'chosen_shipping_methods', array($_SESSION['ordertype']) );

bas mistry comments:

It is Apache

Tried adding start session - no luck

I'll try this on another host in a bit

bas mistry comments:


New Host (still Apache)

but basic installation with Storefront theme (I'm using Avada on the other site)

I begining to suspect it was Avada theme doing something but Storefront behaves the same

So, I have the Input / Pots form on a page

and have added this //Set Session
echo "<span class='test'><p>$ordertype</p></span>";

//set shipping
add_action( 'woocommerce_before_checkout_shipping_form', 'before_shipping');
function before_shipping( $checkout ) {
WC()->session->set( 'chosen_shipping_methods', array($_SESSION['ordertype']) );
echo "<span class='test'><p>$ordertype</p></span>";

same - (1) Session is cleared & (2) Cart Shipping goes to default

//Set Session
echo "<span class='test'><p>$ordertype</p></span>";

//set shipping
add_action( 'woocommerce_before_checkout_shipping_form', 'before_shipping');
function before_shipping( $checkout ) {
// WC()->session->set( 'chosen_shipping_methods', array($_SESSION['ordertype']) );
WC()->session->set( 'chosen_shipping_methods', array('free_shipping') );
echo "<span class='test'><p>$ordertype</p></span>";

with this nothing is echoed so $ordertype is blank

But Manually set shipping - works

Rempty comments:

Ok, i tried on other hosting, and found the error.
In the functions.php


And add this filter, because in the cart page(checkout page is working) the default shipping is not being overridden by the chossen before.

add_action( 'woocommerce_before_cart', 'before_shipping');