"XYZ Widgets" is a blog author (e.g. Administrator) of xyzwidgets website.
"John Smith" is a blog author (e.g. Contributor/Editor/Administrator).
I want to make it so when John Smith logs in, it's as if he's writing posts with "XYZ Widgets" as the author <strong>*** instead of him having to go to the Author box and select the drop-down to change it to XYZ Widgets ***</strong>
I found this plugin: [[LINK href="https://gist.github.com/chrisguitarguy/3035374"]]https://gist.github.com/chrisguitarguy/3035374[[/LINK]] and its forks, but I didn't see anything in wp-admin area to map "John" should default to "XYZ" and "Sally" should default to "XYZ" and "Ben" should default to "____", etc.
If that plugin or any of its forks or your custom one or one from wp repo works, or you know of a paid one to buy, please just let me know.
FYI: I do not want ALL the database logging for AuthorB to essentially look like he's logged in as AuthorA. Instead, I just want the post editor author box to be "auto dropped-down and selected" as AuthorA. Hope that makes sense.
Thank you very much!
Dbranes answers:
Hi Clifford, you can try this one:
[[LINK href="http://pastebin.com/tFSLg1qU"]]http://pastebin.com/tFSLg1qU[[/LINK]]
Dbranes comments:
When you activate the above plugin class (the one I linked to), you just go to the profile page for each user and select the default author for each user (at the bottom of /wp-admin/profile.php) .
When you press <em>New Post</em> the selected author will show up in the Author metabox, but you can then overwrite it
<em>ps:</em> I don't either have this default author settings in <em>/wp-admin/options-writing.php</em> on a plain vanilla WordPress setup.